I mean maybe? But it worked on my previous phone. My theory is that some standard is similar, but not exact in a way that makes this phone not work on the networks correctly. It is also a wonky model of the phone that they didn't continue to make- maybe that is related. Dunno, I've only got the one data point.
every time I've done that they prank me! They give me a perfectly reasonable western breakfast and then a giant spoonful of beans. Hahah England very funny!
So in my younger days I looked enough like Leonardo DiCaprio that it got commented on from time to time. Titanic was very big here and when I first arrived, like most single guys, I wasted some time in bars. The following dialog took place about 50 times:
What is your name?
Ohhhh hahahaha Titanic!! My name is Rose!!!!!
Because of the Leonardo connection I would totally lean into that.
The other dialog that happened a lot was:
Me name is Jack.
Ooh like Jack Daniels hahahaha!
This one is less fun for me so I would say "no my name is Jack Dawson" because that is the character name from Titanic. This would get a massive laugh every time- whatever.
Fast forward a few years. Married now. In a taxi with my wife and we pass the Jack Daniels restaurant in Bangkok and she says "honey looks, Jack Daniels like you" and I say "no I'm Jack Dawson"
Then shyly my wife says "baby, I must tell you something. People do not laugh because of Titanic. In Thai language 'daw' means dick and 'son' means short"
So for like... A year... I would announce to groups of women that my name was Jack Short Dick.
Omg. Bwahahaha!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy a laugh at my (our) expense.