August 16, 2024
a month ago
We are not allowing "what consulate is easy" type of questions on the group. We are also not allowing questions about how to 'spoof' the eVisa system in your country so you can use it when you're not there. :/ Wrong group for those types of things sorry
There is a WIDE disparity of requirements between the consulates (often between the different thai consulates in the same country :O ) and it seems (from reports) that consulates are tightening up the requirements for this visa.
You people need to read the posts from other people, use the search bar to look for information and/or contact the consulate yourself.
The facts are this visa is just over a month old and I'd wager that far less than 1000 DTV's total have been issued world wide.
The questions you're asking the group and to the people who've been approved who were kind enough to share their experiences are often ones no one really knows the answers to.
I'm not saying don't ask them, I'm saying take into account what I said about the newness of the visa and the low number of people who have gotten the visa.
Unless you are the same nationality, using the exact same financials, applying for the exact same reason, you are unlikely to get solid answers that you can count on being followed at this or that consulate.
We have nothing against you people trying to get this visa, nothing at all. Thailand came up with it, they set the bar low for a reason, and you should capitalize on it if you qualify for it :)
We DO have a problem with you guyz/gurlz not doing your own research about the requirements at different consulates, the processing times, the cost differences, if you need an appt to get in the gate, etc. <- That is boilerplate stuff that you would need to do for ANY visa to thailand.
We will post success and rejection stories as they come in. Realize they are consulate situation specific instances and your mileage may vary .
Please STAY ON TOPIC, if someone posts about a specific consulate getting the DTV for a specific reason do not ask about another consulate or getting one for another reason in that thread.
We will try to steer you in the right direction as best we can, but with that being said, we will not spoon feed you information that can be found by looking at the website of the consulate you want to go to :/
Sincerely good luck to each and every one of you in your DTV endeavorz :) (y) (y)
TLDR : Answer Summary
The group emphasizes that questions about which Thai consulate is easier for obtaining the DTV visa and attempts to circumvent the eVisa system are not allowed. With less than a thousand DTV visas issued since its recent introduction, members are encouraged to conduct their own research and to use the group's search function to find existing answers about requirements and processes. Comments indicate appreciation for shared information, but highlight the variability of visa experiences based on individual circumstances. The community aims to post success and rejection stories as more information becomes available.