people who feel entitled to tell other people who to live open the door for rhetorical pugilism. Look at the spectrum of assumptions and virtue signalling on display here- it just looks rude to you because you also think it's a bad idea. Hell, *I* think it's a bad idea. I didn't ask if random strangers thought it was a good idea because the merits of the idea aren't relevant.
What city are you in? In Phuket they are pretty aggressive extracting bribes with third party shipping. USPS seemed fairly immune, but I would never order anything else from USA with a non government shipper.
The way this worked out was like the worst of all worlds and rediculous. I was directed through the bkk airport directly almost a damn kilometre to the gate to CR where I was stamped into Thailand at a lonely little gate with no people other than the tired immigration lady. Then I was in a tiny little rural gate where I had to take a bus all the way back to actually board the plane. So on BKK I didn't have access to any of the airport services- except that if I wanted to I could've just walked into the airport and mainland thailand with zero security. Then when we got to CR I was separated from wife and forced to go through international baggage claim.
Anyway I guess it's still better than needing to claim my bags in BKK and deal with the small airline baggage Nazis- but remarkably inefficient and poorly run. Oh well, maybe I'll start flying less than would be good.