Michael *******
This is a summary of
Michael *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 62 questions and added 7262 comments.



Michael ********
@Duncan ******
You tube is not Thai owned hence is in compliance with the regulations in the DTV visa.
Michael ********
@Gosia *********
Depends upon airline staff and regulations they have been given. I tried my pink ID card once and that didnt work
Michael ********
@Duncan ******
Read the Thai goverment website about the workcation DTV clearly says you can work in Thailand but not for Thai Employer. The guys who applied for this type of visa had to submit portfolios online links to you tube channels etc.
Michael ********
@Pertti ************
Michael ********
@Duncan ******
Here is one news story in English with National parks inviting them to make videos

Michael ********
@Duncan ******
Well one of reasons DTV came out was after the popularity of the videos by Cullen a korean guy and his mate who visit all national parks and other offbeat locations around Thailand and they were even mentioned by authorities as likely canditates for this type of visa. They make the videos in Thailand.