Stuart ********
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Stuart ********
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Stuart *********
Last arrival stamp into Thailand.
Stuart *********
You can’t transfer the sticker visa. You’ll need to carry both passports for the life of the visa. You may get away with a copy of the old passport, visa and entry stamps but I wouldn’t chance it.
Stuart *********
It’s no longer needed to have to had done a 90 day report to get a residence certificate in Bangkok. You need a tm30 and apply. They will mail the certificate to your registered address. Cost is 200 baht.
Stuart *********
@Rini ********
you’d have to look into different schools and if they’d qualify for the DTV. As far as I’m aware Muay Thai and language schools aren’t allowed but cooking schools are. But that’s just from what I read. They may well be.
Stuart *********
@Obyang *******
Sorry but I don’t know enough about entry standards for Thai universities to comment
Stuart *********
There are many pilots and attendants in the same sort of situation as you. Generally the immigration officer will recognise the reason you are entering frequently on visa exempt entries and won’t have a problem. That said as it’s up to an individual officer who may be having a bad hair day you potentially could.

If you encounter one perhaps ask to speak to a supervisor to explain your reason for so many exempt entries. That may work.

Alternatively look in to the DTV visa. You may qualify as you are not working in Thailand and are working remotely. I have no idea if this could work for your situation but if successful you’d get a 5 year visa with no hassles on entry.
Stuart *********
@Obyang *******
Sorry I don’t understand this question.
Stuart *********
@Obyang *******
If you are studying at a formal education centre like a university then you can get a dependent visa for your child.

If you are studying at an informal school like Thai language or Muay Thai then no they won’t do dependent visas for that.
Stuart *********
Contact the education establishment you are planning to study at. They’ll give you the necessary information and documentation you’d need.