What are the changes in Thai visa application procedures for Southeast Asian consulates starting October 8th?

Oct 6, 2024
10 days ago
Tod *********

EDIT; (Oct 8th)

All three countries (Cambodia, Malaysia & Vietnam) are all online on the eVisa system.. !!

**The following Thai consulates in S/E Asia will go to online eVisa applications ONLY starting the 8th of Oct.

They will discontinue any walk up/in person visa applications at that time.

Actually some of them stopped accepting in person applications already and have consular services closed until they open on the eVisa system on Tuesday

Vietnam - Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City

Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kota Bharu

Cambodia - Phnom Penh

The follow consulates are NOT going online with the eVisa system, are still "walk up consulates" BUT you need to book an appt online to get in the gate

Lao - Vientiane, Savannakhet

Burma - Yangon

The following consulates are NOT going online with the eVisa system (at this time) and are "walk up consulates" no appt needed

Indonesia - Jakarta

Taiwan - Taipei

Philippines - Manila
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Starting October 8th, Thai consulates in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Malaysia will transition to online eVisa applications only, discontinuing in-person applications. Consulates in Vientiane and Savannakhet (Laos) and Yangon (Burma) will remain walk-up consulates but require appointments for in-person visits. There is confusion regarding eVisa requirements, including whether applicants need to be in the issuing country to apply online, which has sparked multiple queries and clarifications within the community.
Maxim *********
Guys could anyone tell me, do I need to show TM30 (condo contract) or do I need to show permanent residence from my home country?
Tod *********
@Maxim ********
a TM30 is only filed AFTER you're here in thailand and serves NO purpose in the visa application in another country

You can list your address in thailand, upload your lease, then show you're current location by uploading the entry stamp and your hotel booking
Abhishek ********
Hi Tod, May I ask a question?

What is the commonly accepted proof of not residing in Bangkok?
Tod *********
@Abhishek *******
you upload PROOF you're in the country whose consulate you're applying in (entry stamp hotel booking etc)
Zsolt *********
@Tod ********
so you don't need to have presidency in the place you apply. Enough to have a visa free entry or visa on arrival or similar with hotel booking?
Tod *********
Zsolt Szekely for MOST consulates in S/W Asia yes.
Khela ***********
Thanks for the update
Soooo the online process is easier to navigate or what?

This is a good thing or not....
Tod *********
READ the USER MANUAL on the main page. And "create an account" too
Nicole ********
How will the Evisa system work?

You apply online and if the visa is granted, will it be a printable visa? Or will I need to send or bring my passport to the embassy upon approval?
Tod *********
@Nicole *******
you get an email with a PDF file in it, PRINT the PDF file because that IS your visa, and give that along with your passport to the officer when you stamp in
Charles **********
@Nicole *******
you just show the email confirmation to Thai immigration and they will stamp you in
Paul *******
I messaged Vientiane about when they will transition to the e-visa system. They replied "no date yet" but they will provide updates via their Facebook page and consular website. Presumably, Savannakhet will immediately follow the lead of Vientiane.

I suspect they will transition in late November or December, but they probably won't make an announcement until like a week before they go live.
Rob *********
@Teresa ************
kochai Mai 😆
Andrew *********
Thanks TD!!!!
Chris ****************
If you apply for the Cambodia embassy E-Visa from the 8th, Do I have to be in the country to apply? How does the visa get issued? Via email?
Marek ***********
@Chris ***************
You need to be outside Thailand only. Technically you can leave Cambodia as they have no way to verify which country you are ATM. Remember you need to provide entry stamp as a proof that you are in the country
Tod *********
@Marek **********
correct, the word from the consulate seems to be you have to be in Cambodia to apply


you can leave that country during the processing time, as long as you don't go TO thailand until the visa is approved or rejected. So travel anywhere else is fine
Chris ****************
@Tod ********
thanks! What's the general turnaround for the visas from Cambodia
Tod *********
@Chris ***************
go to the thai consulate website in Phnon Penh and read the posted processing time
Myro ******
What do nationals of the countries ineligible for e-visa do to get a visa now?
Myro ******
@Tod ********
oh I see. So all nationalities eligible for tourist visas are going to be eligible for electronic application. Thank you for clarifying, good news!
Tod *********
@Myro *****
right (y)

you will have to prove you're legally IN vietnam by uploading your visa/entry stamp, use the address of the place you stay in Vietnam as your "address", pay and wait for the approval email. Once you get that you print out the PDF file (that IS your visa) and you show that to the officer at passport control when you stamp in to thailand
Myro ******
@Tod ********
The Thai evisa site check says she cannot apply electronically.
Tod *********
@Myro *****
The evisa system doesn't start until TUESDAY the 8th

Are you not understanding that?

ONCE the system comes online you should be able to apply via the eVisa portal
Tod *********
@Myro *****
WHERE are you and what is your nationality?
Myro ******
@Tod ********
gf is Tunisian, we live in Vietnam
Tod *********
@Myro *****
well if you legally LIVE in vietnam you guys should be able to apply online thru Hanoi or HCMC once the system goes live Tuesday
Paul *******
I think whenever the next consulates move to the e-visa system, they'll give at most 10-14 days notice, which is what Phnom Penh did.

Ho Chi Minh, to their credit, did provide more notice but only if you emailed them. They told me they'd move to the e-visa system sometime in October back in early September (almost exactly a month ago) but didn't tell me on what date. That was only confirmed in late September.
Paul *******
How do we know that Laos won't be going online eventually? I think they will. Yangon has also said they will go online just no date has been announced yet.
Tod *********
@Paul ******
we don't. we just wait for the announcement

All I was doing was stating how it will be effective Tuesday the 8th at the nearby consulates around here
Yiba *******
@Tod ********
sir, do you mean that if I apply to the visa service at Vientiane, I have to be there before booking an appointment and uploading the documents? Can't I upload my documents when I'm in Thailand and fly to laos and get my visa if my visa is confirmed. I'm confused, sir
Yiba *******
which Thai Embassy or Consulate are you planning on going to apply for the DTV visa?

Not sure yet, I will do it next month. Probably Laos or cambodia.

Do you have medical appointments set with doctors treatment plan for your medical care? Yes, I do

Look at the website of the Thai Embassy or Consulate where you will be applying for the DTV visa for its requirements.


Use the search 🔍 tool top of this forum page and that of Thai Visa Advice forum...

ENTER.. DTV visa medical

CLICK... on it and all posts about getting the DTV visa for medical will Pop Up to read the posts and experiences of others.

Ok thank you 😊
James ********
@Yiba ******
what is your passport nation?

What Thai Visa if any, do you NOW have in Thailand?

What kind of DTV visa are you planning to apply for?
Yiba *******
@James *******
turkish passport. Currently im on 60days visa on arrival stamp. I will apply for soft power (medical)... what are your thoughts?
James ********
@Yiba ******
which Thai Embassy or Consulate are you planning on going to apply for the DTV visa?

Do you have medical appointments set with doctors treatment plan for your medical care?

Look at the website of the Thai Embassy or Consulate where you will be applying for the DTV visa for its requirements.

Use the search 🔍 tool top of this forum page and that of Thai Visa Advice forum...

ENTER.. DTV visa medical

CLICK... on it and all posts about getting the DTV visa for medical will Pop Up to read the posts and experiences of others.
Paul *******
@Yiba ******
Laos isn't going to e-visa yet. It might eventually, but until that happens, you have to book and appointment and go in person.

I expect Vientiane and Savannakhet to get busier now that consulates in 3 neighboring countries are moving to e-visas effective this coming week.
Tod *********
@Paul ******
The consulates in Lao are also HARD as nails about the proof of funds (after that rash of "fake bank book/documents" they had early on, which is why they make you log in to your account while you're there and show the actual balance
Tod *********
@Yiba ******
I stated Vientiane is NOT going to the online eVisa system, before you go to Lao, you book an appointment online to get in the gate to apply in person

There is no upload your documents. You make an appt to show up and apply for the visa, You go to Vientiane, You show up at the consulate with your documents, apply, pay WAIT the 3 day processing time then go back and get your passport w/the visa sticker in it
Yiba *******
@Tod ********
you said: "Keep in mind people you have to be IN the country whose consulate you're applying at thru the eVisa system."

Let's say I choose the country who has the evisa system. Does your sentence mean that I have to be in that country to book an appointment or whatever is the step for the evisa process...

Keep in mind people you have to be IN the country whose consulate you're applying at thru the eVisa system.

What's that sentence mean?
James ********
@Yiba ******
you MUST be in the country where you are applying for the DTV visa when you are using the Evisa online application system.
Tod *********
Yiba Capul you are confusing TWO separate things and systems

SOME consulates (Vientiane/Savannakhet/Yangon) have an online appt booking system which you use to make an appt to show up and apply for a visa at that consulate. You do that before you go to that country for a visa

The consulates that will switch to the eVisa online system will be where you apply online for the VISA and do not go to the consulate <- Those consulates you have to be IN that country when you use their eVisa system to apply for a visa
Marta *************
Does anyone know what happens with the in-person meetings we made at the Hanoi Embassy? Do we need to cancel them or not?
Tod *********
@Marta ************
post back and let us know if they will let you apply with that appt you booked if you would, good luck
ۦۦ ***********
Tod *********
@ۦۦ **********
that would lead me to believe NO they will not honor it and you go to vietnam and apply online using the eVisa system
ۦۦ ***********
@Tod ********
I have a visa appointment booked for the 24th in Hanoi and got this email when I asked if they will still “honor” it;
ۦۦ ***********
Marek ***********
@Marta ************
Need to email them if they will honor it.
Tod *********
@Marta ************
You mean you have an appt booked for Hanoi for applying for a visa? What date did you book it?
Marta *************
@Tod ********
yup. Oct 15th
Paul *******
@Marta ************
Nothing. They will probably require you to apply online instead.
Tod *********
Keep in mind people you have to be IN the country whose consulate you're applying at thru the eVisa system.
Kieran *******
@Tod ********
looking forward to seeing how the evisa system works and if, once the initial bumpiness has settled down, it’s actually easier?
Tod *********
@Kieran ******
The only down side is IF they have to email you and request you upload more documents, that starts the processing time over (or adds considerable time to it anyway) and the real down side IS, if you're rejected for the visa, you lose the application fee
Paul *******
@Tod ********
Sounds like the Vietnam e-visa system, where, if you make a mistake, say with your name, the processing time resets.

However, the Thai e-visa system is worse, in that they won't even allow you to correct spelling mistakes or things like missing middle names. At least the Vietnamese e-visa system permits that.
Ivan ************
Vietnam issued me a visa without my middle name and then I was denied boarding at the airport. I'd have preferred if they rejected it and I had to do it again.
Paul *******
@Ivan ***********
That's most unusual. The Vietnam e-visa system does not process applicants who forget to put their middle name in the system. They will ask you to fix the mistake and then it will take at least another 3 days before the visa is issued.

Now if you're talking about a visa issued at a consulate (this is generally no longer done since the end of Covid) that would be a different story.
Ivan ************
it was e-visa and they issued me the visa without my middle name despite having a copy of my passport. The form didn't have a box for middle name.
Paul *******
@Ivan ***********
I recently had my e-visa application delayed because I didn't input my middle name. The processing time reset, so in the end I had to get a visa on arrival (luckily i was flying in, as they don't process visa on arrival for land based entries). My e-visa came through a day or two later, but was utterly useless by then. I was already in the country on a visa on arrival.
Paul *******
@Tod ********
I am talking about the Vietnam e-visa. I was already in Vietnam with a visa on arrival by the time the e-visa was finally approved. The e-visa was useless to me due to the extended processing time resulting from not having my middle name in the system the first time round.

Considering my visa on arrival was valid for 30 days single entry and the e-visa for only 27 days (as it came through I think it was 3 days after I entered the country) it's quite obvious that I would ignore the e-visa as I can't have 2 visas at the same time.

The point of this story was to let Ivan know that generally, certainly in my experience, Vietnam lets you make changes if you make a mistake with your name. However, they will drag out the processing time if that happens.
Tod *********
@Paul ******
ahhh sorry my mistake, YEP that processing time on the Vietnamese eVisa to get it online before you go is WAY slower than just getting one when you arrive (if you're allowed to 😛 ) My mistake deleted the comment, sorry I was confused 🙂
Tod *********
@Paul ******
the thai eVisa system is unforgiving, if you mess up on data entry, and it mismatches the visa is rejected and you lose the application fee.

That's the biggest draw back going to online eVisa system you pay and lose the fee if the visa is denied
Paul *******
@Tod ********
Indeed and this can be a major headache for someone applying in a neighboring country, having to extend their stay for an indeterminate period in order to re-apply and not only pay the application fee again but also for additional hotel nights, transportation, meals etc.

Of course, if one is denied for other reasons (not qualifying for the visa at all) then they'll have to either go for a different visa, come back on visa exempt (temporarily) or perhaps pack up and find another country to live in, depending on their circumstances.
Tod *********
@Paul ******
This is exactly why I was telling people to STOP being a "day counter" trying to max their current stamp in thailand out as long as possible and to high tail it to a consulate that allows walk up, apply in person service with fast processing..
Kieran *******
@Tod ********
yeah that’s definitely not good