With the online TM30 system there is now the ability to produce a pdf of your filing. You file your information and then search for the date you filed it (it only allows searches for 7 days prior - so if you did one a while back just do another filing today).
Once you have searched for your filing and have the details showing click on the zoom tool to bring up a full page listing. Then choose the option to “Export”. This will create a pop up window with a pdf that you can then print as proof of filing.
[members only]
TLDR : Answer Summary
The online TM30 system allows users to file their address registration and obtain a PDF proof of filing. To do this, file your information online and search for your filing using the system, which retains records for only the last 7 days. Once located, view the details and select the ‘Export’ option to create a PDF. Discussions around the responsibilities of landlords and tenants for filing TM30s show that while landlords are obligated to register foreign occupants, tenants can do it themselves if they have the necessary documents from their landlords.