Most likely, the hotel will register your TM30 with the hotel's address in Chaing Mai. You don't have to do anything with it unless you want to apply for something at the Chiang Mai office.
In case Pattaya is your primary address.
Once you are back from your trip, your latest TM30 record will be with the hotel address. You may need to re-submit your TM30 with your primary address so that the latest TM30 record has your proper address. It is necessary to match your address data on the TM30 system with the one you use on the 90-day reporting system regardless of local immigration TM30 policy, especially if you want to do a 90-day report online.
Unfortunately, You can't do anything with your work permit and extension from outside Thailand. Your employer can cancel only your work permit. You still need to cancel your extension at the issued immigration office.
You can cancel your extension when you travel to Thailand next time, even after it's expired. You still can travel to Thailand, no problem. You may or may not be charged for delay of cancellation, up to 20K baht. You cannot apply for a new extension until you cancel the previous one.
If possible, have your employer cancel your work permit.
Then get a termination letter (from the work) and a work permit cancellation receipt from your employer. Then bring them to the immigration office to cancel when you get the next chance to travel.
, right. So she wouldn't be fined for overstaying anyway. both of your 2 options would work. Talk with your wife's employer which way your daughter does as the documents from employer MIGHT be different.
Sadly, the medical certificate itself cannot do anything for overstaying. If all she wants to do is leave once she gets better, she just leaves Thailand at the airport paying the overstay fine. She doesn't have to pay the fine only if she is under 15.
She COULD have applied for a medical extension if she did BEFORE she went on overstay. but a medical extension is not possible once she is on overstay. Now she has no choice other than to pay for overstay fine upon her departure.
The overstay fine is supposed to be paid in cash, a maximum of 20k baht (or for 40 days). Be ready for that.
You are applying for an initial in-country Non-O based on a spouse to a Thai national at the Chaeng Wattana office.
You have to have a 400K Baht deposit as of the application day, but you don't have to wait for two months for the initial visa. Two months of seasoning is required for a 1-year extension, not for an initial visa.
You can apply for an initial visa until 12 Nov as long as you can get the required documents sorted.
You have to go to the CW office to get the latest requirements list ASAP. This is the sample list for an initial visa in Bangkok, but as you can see, it's 2.5 years old.
And don't wait until the last day to apply for your visa.
IF 27 Feb 2025 is the "must be used by" date on your visa eVisa PDF, NOT the date on your entry stamp, you can leave and re-enter Thailand on or just before that date and you will be stamped for another year (or until the insurance policy expires). Then you can manage your monthly transfers.
If it's the date on your entry stamp, and the visa itself is already expired, your choices are limited.
For a 1-year extension based on being over 50, some immigration offices accept a combination method for proof of funds, you can use monthly transfers to Thailand and banked money in a Thai bank account, summing up to at least 800k Baht. BUT, you still need monthly transfers for 12 months.
You have no other way than putting 800K baht in your Thai bank account, and season them for 2 months as of application day. unless your embassy in Thailand issues an affidavit of income.