Nigel ********
This is a summary of
Nigel ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 58 questions and added 1411 comments.



Nigel *********
you're kind of confusing things here. Sure you can use it within 90 days however you get stamped in for 60 days and you can extend it once for 30 days 😉
Nigel *********
@Thomas ******
Google won't necessarily find you the best visa agent. It might,though, find you the best visa agent with the best SEO, most back links and one with a more established website. Google is good at that.
Nigel *********
@Fish *********
ok. I might be wrong but I think Lao passport was always exempt from 2 land crossing a year, like Malaysia
Nigel *********
@Fish *********
might be helpful if you mention what passport your spouse uses as some countries (eg Malaysia) were never subject to the 2 entries rule.
Nigel *********
@Mark *******
this is the correct answer.., I did it a week ago... I doubt theres a way you can get to departures from arrivals anyway
Nigel *********
@Pete *******
there'll be no issues coming in with aa non o visa to phuket same day... not like slopey land borders.
Nigel *********
@Mile ********
turns out Michaels cousin was on desk 3. Sailed through