My translation was done by a company in BKK which then sent it to MFA for their stamp of approval... It's the MFA stamp I think the Amphur will be looking for...not the actual translation....
I did a similar thing in Phayao Amphur Oct 2017 for my Thai wife since our NZ wedding 1972.. They wanted a certified transcription which we had to go to BKK for. No problem - though once we had that they changed her legal surname to the same as mine, gave a flowery certificate of the name change which she used for her Thai ID and then a fresh new Thai passport in the new 5 year old surname.
It seems some of the IO's may feel the insurance protocol is a bit harsh and maybe using their lenient arms while they can. Just hope none of them lose their jobs over it though...
I would suggest that with his health issues Gordon is not likely to be engaging in border runs. Your file at Immigration may also have been flagged as a cancer sufferer, so that also needs consideration. Not sure if they do that but would be surprised they did not. So the only real answer will be a tourist visa initially to get the income threshold of pension and deposits accumulated at THB800K, then have another go at a "O" visa next trip around, with multiple entries. Can a moderator advise if there is a time limit placed on "O" visa holders for time spent in-country and out-country?
Ron, Not sure if your wife is in NYC with you, or in Thailand, but download the requirements for a Non Imm "O" visa, and check if they can/will issue at the consulate in NYC. I assume your wife will enter Thailand with her Thai Passport and Thai ID, so no visa requirement for her. You need to show the income of THB65K per month is YOUR income, and not a joint income. If its not they will probably halve it and need you to show an annual accumulated balance of THB800K in YOUR Thai bank account. Search on the site here will have a full list of everything you'll maybe have to have to show a genuine marriage, income, no intention to work etc....