you can get an ed Visa just by taking Muay Thai classes. You can show up once a week or once every other week. As long as you train. I plan on going 3 or 4 times a week but there may be one time where I want to leave the country for 2 weeks.
I entered on a tourist visa and then signed up for Thai language School and got an education Visa. That was 6 months ago. I was then told to get a covid-19 extension because my edvs ended with the school. That's where I'm at right now.
When I had issues I immediately called up the embassy and spoke to a live person and they approved my application while I was on the phone with them. You just have to be persistent.
I have a situation where my Ed Visa was canceled so I had to convert last week to the covid-19 extension. Other than signing up for Muay Thai classes to get another EV Visa what can I do?