Do visitors to Thailand need travel insurance after the recent changes in May 2022?

April 23, 2022
2 years ago
Bruce *********
My friend is coming to visit on the 1st of May with her husband and she asked about having to have insurance.

With things changing, will her family have to buy any?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Visitors to Thailand, arriving from May 1, 2022, will need travel insurance that covers at least USD 10,000 per person to be eligible for the Thailand Pass. Although the required insurance amount was lowered, having coverage is essential due to potentially high medical costs in case of illness or accidents. It's recommended to check with local embassies for specific requirements and explore reputable insurance providers.
Zane ********
yes, they still need insurance for thaipass. Most common options are in this list

Pacificcare ********
I recommend LUMA and AXA



and You can consult with them >>
or Line Offical:
Brad *******
@Bcare ********
they offer great insurance at affordable prices. Contact
@Max ************
for more information.
Brian ********
Normal Travel insurance is good enough Try Sainsbury’s Travel insurances google them
Brian ********
@Steven *****
Yes I used it for a Thailand Pass (TP) and it was accepted
Steven ******
@Brian *******
does that cover the requirements for the TP?
Janne ***********
Thailand covering covid is mandatory or you will not be getting the Thailand pass
Оливер *********
When traveling abroad you always should have health insurance! Imagen you fall sick or have an accident! Hospitals are expensive, a bill can run quickly into thousand of dollars, pounds, euros!!!!
Michael **********
@Оливер ********
I am still recovering when I can get out I am going to look for a good insurance company in Thailand just in case of an emergency you cannot go to the bank when you show up in an ambulance
Michael **********
@Оливер ********
My travel insurance does absolutely nothing I have to send my prescriptions receipts back to recoup them to
Michael **********
@Оливер ********
If I was still working it would’ve paid straight to the hospital I retired from Chicago laborers union for some reason it is different it’s still pays 85%
Оливер *********
@Michael *********
mine pays it straight to the hospital if I have been hospitalised. Outpatient, I have to pay first. Dentist and pharmacy and general doctors bills I hand in when back home!
Michael **********
@Оливер ********
these travel insurances don’t pay your hospital bills I had to pay cash 7000 American dollars luckily I will get reimbursed by Blue Cross Blue Sheild In America but I still have to wait for my money
Оливер *********
@Bruce ********
lucky you!!
Bruce *********
@Оливер ********
I'm not saying it's going to happen but in my 30 plus years of traveling alone I've never gone to a hospital overseas.
Ron ******************
Yes, USD 10k per person for TP approvals for/after 1 May. As they arrive on 1 May they may need to meet the present requirements. Best to talk to their local embassy.
Phil *********
Luma Thailand Pass Enrollment Link:
Klaus *********
Andy *******
Yes, amount needed was lowered but no major change otherwise, especially coming 1 May, plan on 10K-20K of insurance
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