the top of the line short term cooking school is Blue Elephant for price comparison purposes. That might help to determine if what you were quotes is fair.
that is nothing new. That has been the law for over 20 years that I am aware of personally. Lots of people are completely misinterpreting the simple change that happened January 1st
You are confusing doing work in Thailand with working remotely. Thailand believes you will pay your taxes in your home country, or the country you do the remote work in.
from the end of February until the end of May three countries, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand, burn off their fields, and there are regular forest fires, with the weather patterns pushing all that smoke down over Chaing Rai and centering over Chaing Mai. It will be in the aqi range from about 150-250 over Chaing Rai, and hitting over 300 in Chaing Mai area. It gets bad enough in Chaing Rai that you can not see across the Mekong river. Just saying
From my understanding a medical doctor needs to authorize the treatment plan. I don't think a physiotherapist qualifies as a medical doctor, and why they are saying what they said.