Everyone was getting people nervous about flying in the Bangkok. I got in with absolutely no problems and I didn't even have to show the proof of funds. It was a very fast and easy transaction.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The post discusses the varying experiences and opinions regarding entry into Thailand with a Non-O or ED visa amidst changing immigration policies. While one user reports a smooth entry without having to show proof of funds, other commenters note that experiences can differ based on individual visa histories, recent law updates related to Covid extensions, and the fluctuating nature of Thai immigration regulations. There is an ongoing discussion about the relevance of personal anecdotes versus established facts in assessing risks associated with entry into Thailand.
Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
if it was silly nonsense then the moderators would not have let it go up. Since I have no other Visa questions I don't plan on posting here for a while. Just let it go and leave me alone.
Reply to
Bruce *********
Shaun *********
Bruce, "Everyone was getting people nervous". The only person who has been nervous about re entering Thailand has been you. You made some bad choices, learn from them and hopefully keep your thoughts to yourself and not share them.
if I got through with no issues then I made zero bad choices. I don't go out and wait to criticize anyone on here, maybe you shouldn't either.
Reply to
Bruce *********
Bruce *********
I don't really drink beer nor would I drink Angkor if I had a choice. I'm more of a hard liquor type of guy.
Филипп **********
Or yes.. the $600 chap who didn't do his home work in combodia lol... Too much Angkor😅well now u can enjoy real beer 🍻🙏
Tod *********
Congrats on getting back in, I woulda bet dollars to durian you would have a problem but it might be the fact you couldn't get your ED visa extended and then only had one covid extension before you left
Who knows, you made it back, you did it your way, glad you made it back in
Maxim ***********
FYI, just because there is a 75% chance of rain, doesn't mean that meteorologist suck if there is no rain, it just mean that the day felt into the 25% chance that it wont rain. OP was in a rain heavy situation, but the predictions changed last week when the law for people on Non-O became much more claimant. So the odds of rain/rejection dropped significantly, but obv not to 0%. Nothing is ever guaranteed either way, it's just predictions of risk assessment based on up-to-date info, which changes daily. In other word, "result oriented" is the main weapon of conspiracy theorist. "The friend of my friend of his friend of his friend-friend got X disease after getting Covid vaccine, therefore the vaccine will surely kill me too!". People assessment is very often emotionally based rather then looking at the bigger picture. We live in a world where people want only "yes" or "no" answer, but most situations are much more nuance then that.
My FYI post was not a reply to your post, you should learn how FB work first, lol. There a little line that you can follow that tell which post reply to which, stop being a 3head pepega :).
“once again”? I think you’re the one getting his posts confused! Looks like you’re trying to have an argument with everybody and losing track. I made a very simple retort to an equally simple post. If you have some issue with the OP, please take it up with Bruce. If you are desperate for a fight please move on down the line, I am not interested.
Once again you are confused. You are answering the wrong post. This post was not an answer to you. The only answer to you is below your "I arrived back two weeks ago, no issues" post. The last post was by Mike Albanese.
I'm not talking about fast-track entry, I'm talking about arriving at Suvarnabhumi Airport, and while getting interrogated you call Thai Visa Advice, they can help you on the spot, no need for pre-arrangement or wtv. It's more costly than having pre-arrangement with them, but that pre-arrangement means that you pay no matter what vs gambling that you can get in and paying more if they want to denied you.
This is what I thought. As I just said, now that everyone can get Covid Extension, they are also a lot less strict at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Also, in the instance that you can't get in, just contact Thai Visa Centre, they will call Officers at Airport and let you in (obv you will have to pay some $). Ofc
That doesn't answer my question. Did you notice people getting denied around you when you entered Suvarnabhumi Airport today, or are you talking about previous stories like the one two weeks ago? Because last week the ban on Covid Extension for people on Volunteer and Ed Visa was reversed, and it definitely impacted the rigidity of many IO in Suvarnabhumi Airport.
people being denied upon arrival at BKK. I know someone who was on a volunteer visa and when they flew in two weeks ago they were told to go back to their country which is the US and apply at the embassy over there. That person was not happy.
as was mentioned before those who had multiple covid extensions over 2 years or were on a tourist visa we're getting denied. Mine was definitely a different case because I had an ed visa and one covid extension. Thing is I made it and I'm happy. I may apply for another 30-day extension but I do plan on going back to the states in about 2 months at most.
Mike **********
Reads to me "each situation is different" was his point.
Maxim ***********
The probability of getting denied entry in Suvarnabhumi Airport depend entirely on your visa history/situation. So unless your situation is exactly the same as OP, the odds are not the same. Some people have basically 0% chance of ever getting denied entry.
OP was in a complicated visa situation. Each situation is different.
Reply to
Maxim ***********
Jonathan *******
Ok just because you got in doesn't mean everyone will. A lot of people have been rejected, it's a valid point to make.
Maxim ***********
I can't be more off base then verbatim what you told OP yesterday: "As we told you in the other post you made you run a good chance of being denied entry in Bangkok with your stay history."
"We", included me, but I changed my tone since last week. For up to date info, you can send a "Line" msg to the owner of this group, he has connection at Suvarnabhumi Airport.
stop already with the law changed last week, you're off base in what you're saying
Maxim ***********
Yes, you are correct. A lot got rejected, but the law changed again last week, so it's even easy to get in from BKK now. Agent are back giving all sort of long term visa again.
Reply to
Maxim ***********
David *********
I've never ever shown " proof of funds ' in all the trips ..
You coming back have nothing to do with luck. As I frequently mention, application of laws change weekly in Thailand, if not daily. Last week the crackdown on people on Non-O was reversed, so they can get Covid extension again and by default come back into Thailand fairly easily.
the people getting hassled or not getting hassled has nothing to do with the new covid extension program that started on March 26th 😉
Think what you want but passport control people at the entry points don't care in the least about extension rules inside the country 😛 Two different divisions of Immigration Officers.
Maxim ***********
And we both know that the recent change to Covid Extension has some kind of influence at Suvarnabhumi Airport. The vague of denied entry was correlated to the ban of Covid Extension to begin with.
Most report since last week have been positive upon entering Suvarnabhumi Airport while on previous Non-O. The timing is a bit too perfect to be a coincidence. Whether or not it's a correlation or causation remain to be seen, but your advice to him yesterday was way too over-dramatic given what happened last week.
the change in the rule to allow Non-Immigrant type visa holders get covid extensions had ZERO to do with the O/P getting in to the country with an ED visa/covid extension in his passport.
He explained his situations many times over the last few weeks. He was at risk of rejection, but the law changed for the positive last week for people on Non-O regarding Covid Extension so the same apply for trying to enter Thailand. He got lucky but it's good karma. He was cautious and I don't blame him for it.
in what case? What situation are you in? What passport do you have? What visa? Have you used the cow extension?
There are hundreds of different factors for people coming into Thailand and you shared literally no information about your situation, except that they let you in.
We aren't fear mongering. You can always gamble if you're about that life. But there is also the wise adage..."It's better to be prepared and not need it, than it is to need it and find yourself woefully unprepared." 😉
Anyways...congrats on skating through. Enjoy your continued visit to LOS.
Nadine ******
Did you came back with a fresh passport or a passport full of Thai visa stamps and covid visa extension? Did they say anything about those stamps or why you stay so long in Thailand?
changing passports does NOT make you safe from being denied entry. The thai immigration data base looks up previous passport numbers by sex, dob, nationality, and they can call up your previous entry history with the press of a button.
What getting a new passport does is allow you to get multiple visas from the consulates that limit them (who are not on the eVisa system) because they physically look thru your passport to see how many thai visas you've had
my passport's good from March 29th through June 29th for the tourist visa. I would double check but the hotel has my passport while I'm doing that one day stay.
The application of the law changed again last week when Non-O Covid Extension became available again. So coming back into Thailand is getting easier again, although there is still risk.
Changing passport does not clean anything, but it prevent you from getting denied entry. It's the case since forever. Even pre-Covid when you go to Savannakhet you will get denied if it's your third tourist visa in a row... except if it's a new passport you will get it anyways. They are simply not enforcing whatever regulation with new passport.
irrelevant if you come in with a new passport. They can see all your entry and exit info on their system. It is an old wife's tale that changing your passport will clean your slate.
I had a few stamps over 6 months of being here Two ED and one covid extension. Not one question was asked about why I was coming back or what I was doing in Cambodia. Didn't show proof of funds though I did have it on me. No small talk other than she said my passport is good for 90 days in case I want to stay longer.
Reply to
Bruce *********
Juls ******
So funny how the "expert visa" are able of autocritism, when someone demonstrate their limits...
Same category than covid or war expert in my eyes.
what sucks is that it pretty much cost me an extra $1,000. Having to pay for my flight, my hotel, and food and drinks for 2 weeks in Cambodia. I could have just overstayed my Visa for a couple of days and just paid the fine.
right they did extend the covid program for another 2 months (it ran out friday march 25th) AND they did let people on Non-Immigrant visa types get covid extensions again.
It just was bad timing for you was all,
Again, glad you made it in, I stand humbly corrected. (y)
I did try another covid extension. I went to immigration on March 23rd and they said that there are no more extensions and they said that if I wanted to proceed with it they would give me 7 days to leave the country as my Visa was going to expire on March 25th. I then heard on March 28th that covid-19 extensions were granted after I had already left.
Yes, his story was confusing because he posted so many times. Btw, what's going on in the bigger group, aren't you active there anymore? You started posting here when the bigger group got bought, but now this one also got bought by the same agent...?
he didn't have a Non-O he had an ED visa which he could no longer extend then covid extension which he couldn't get because of the previous policy change, but then left before trying another covid extension once it changed back 😛 😮 it was a convoluted story to stay the least
I was not here yesterday so I don't know who said what. I've been giving him advice for weeks. The risk is still there but a lot less since last week new change. Also, there that thing called being "result oriented", for example, if there a 80% chance of rain, and it doesnt rain, doesnt mean the predictions were wrong, it just mean that day was part of the 20% chance of not rain.
Started to ask questions weeks ago about his situation. I can only provide him up-to-date info based on when he ask his questions. Given his situation, he had a good chance to get rejected entry 2 weeks ago. But he entered this week... after the law changed, so he was no longer at high risk of getting denied. The new law allow people on Non-O to get Covid extension again, and that new level of tolerance toward people on long term visa also allow them to enter more freely in Suvarnabhumi Airport. This could change again next week... this is Thailand, authority flip-flop often. This is why when people ask when Thailand will re-open with no restrictions we can only estimate.
Which story? The fact is that the new law was adopted last week, and since then people can get their Covid Extension from Non-O or come back into Thailand from having a Non-O fairly easily. I don't know which story you are referring to?
Last week the ban on Covid Extension for people on Non-O was reversed, it also greatly reduce the risk of getting denied entry in BKK. So yeah, in a way, people who came back since last week were lucky.
The goal of this group is NOT to be less anxious in front of visa trouble. The goal of this group is to give people advice while reminding objective and facts based, which most people struggle to do with their anecdotal evidence.
lol, you call him fragile and then act like a fragile boy when he strike back. Si t pas capable de prendre les insultes, soit pas le premier a attaquer.
Brahim ******
Bruce dude I don't live in bkk anymore but if I was I would gladly meet you and have a chat with you face to face if you know what I mean