Absolutely! It would best just to try and give and I am guessing that they will take it, as long as all other factors allow you to which have nothing to do with age. Do you know what blood type you have?
"The confusion around an age cap dates back to a former policy of The American Association of Blood Banks, which used to bar people over 65 from donating without written consent from a doctor, however that rule was rescinded way back in 1978 after studies showed that older people could safely give blood. "
My mind is now far from that head space as I have my visa now, but you just have to do your best and have it as perfect as you think you can get it. Sorry not to be of any further help. If your booking with Agoda is real, then you can always email the hotel and ask them to send you something with a tax i.d on it and then print that email. i hope that helps and best of luck mate!
I totally agree. I have noticed a trend by where people think they look cool if they do all immigration stuff themselves. Some people are not well and just do not have the life vital energy to deal with mistakes and long waits. Or many just really value their time in a way that makes them choose an agent for efficiency.