Yes, it does not take a lot to live here. If you want to spend a lot you sure can. I spend B30K per month and live very well. I could spend less if I was not lazy and paid a live-in very nice 60-year-old woman who needed help. She takes care of me. and is a good friend.
They put a note in my passport two years ago saying I can spend money from the 800K. I have to leave 400K in the account it said. I do not need to use that money so the 800K is still there.
I went to BKK Bank on Selom RD BKK and the very nice lady who does know about US Social Security set it up she said it would be sent to BKK Bank New York. Then sent to Thailand. A few months ago she called me and told me I needed to contact SS. I forgot to send the yearly form.