Оливер ********
This is a summary of
Оливер ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 36 questions and added 405 comments.



Оливер *********
@Graham *****
I used an agent for the renewal 2 years ago.

The original first licence with test I did myself.

The error message I always get when I try to register it says, the information don't match what you have registered, please try again.
Оливер *********
@Chris ******
it's the one year retirement visa
Оливер *********
@Brandon ***********
so, it's actually that particular consulate that process the application? I thought the Thai visa page is a centralised system and applications get processed there.

So, you think it's okay just to upload the bank balance of the last three months?
Оливер *********
Yes you can buy one and register it in your name. Even on a visa exempt. Just get a resident certificate from immigration. If you buy from an officialndealer some even do it for you!
Оливер *********
Your combat visa? The war with Viet Nam is over mate
Оливер *********
90 day tourist visa?🤔

Are you sure you got stamped in for 90 days and not 60?

'Cose the visa is valid to enter Thailand within the 90 day period but only gives you 60 days of stay inside the country.
Оливер *********
Try expat community of Cambodia

It's a FB group