From my personal experience, pre-Covid doctors were aware the immigration bureaucracy was looking over their shoulder and would come down hard on them if they abused giving medical extensions. This is likely a new request of this psychologist, so he/she may not be aware of the road they may be going down.
At the top right there's a magnifying class/search icon, best you search the question as it has Benn asked a shitload of times and you're really not going to make all these nice people have to write it again for the 1000th time?
I had surgery on my Achilles tendon in Thailand and Was only able to get a brief medical extension, although I was still having problems ambulating. I discussed the issue frankly with my doctor, and he said the bureaucratic authorities were constantly looking over the doctors shoulders to make sure they were not abusing the privilege. That is only my individual experience and I don’t know if the situation has changed, but you might want to check with your doctor soon after the surgery in order to have more options.
I think that’s the whole definition of a narcissist, he thinks he’s perfect So he doesn’t have to ask anybody for suggestions, because to do so would indicate that he didn’t have the answer.
I don’t really know what you’re basing your point on since again, the virus only has a proved to be greater than 50% effective. Every move by the Thai government as indicated that it doesn’t feel confident Being able to control limited pockets of cases rising in the country, and their modus operandi is to keep Thailand virus free. Compare the history of restrictions set up for people coming from United States to Thailand versus people coming from United States to South Korea.
Many experts are postulating that this virus will exist in the world for many years to come. So I think it will take a major shift in Thailand’s approach to the issue, living with the virus versus being virus free, before any change occurs. I’ve done two entries into South Korea, April and September, and the paperwork has increased fourfold
and I would have to fly from Korea to America, Rent-A-Car, stay in a hotel there while I get a background check and wait for the COE. Probably more than US$10,000.