Its a risk mate , if anyone is in a bad mood could screw you . There is a site where you can book a fake ticket . You get a real e ticket , cost is peanuts . You'll have to google round for the site i've lost it .
said , don't seem bothered about it . Could have failed on the Hotel , would love to know if they even check . What i found most strange is the lack of a question on if you have a criminal record . Thought that would be high on the list .
Needs somekind of proof . Less messing about i think if He books a hotel , gets the e mail confirmation . Then cancel it once he has visa through . If He states He has His own place might get complicated .
He will also need a e mail with His room booking . Which the computer shop can then shrink to jpeg site . Also take passport as same thing again , photo jpeg . Sounds complicated ( was for me ) but for IT type guys its a breeze .
Fill in what He can then take Him to a photo shop , get digital photo taken and sent to His e mail address in j peg size . Go to a computer shop and for a few quid they'll sort it for Him .