We got this same stories from every bank back home. People calling you for info telling ur account is in danger. Rule nr 1: hang up and contact the bank urself. Never give any information.
bit later but he added a note to my passport. If i not show up he said he will fine me 😂 Also depends if I leave before but he's pretty serious about it.
I think you need to proof the source of income coming from even when it's Fiver for example. Somehow I think u are registered in a way and thats something you can show.
im Dutch and business owner. I got it so easy with kvk proof. I can show u exactly how i did it and got mine in 5 days. Send me a pm if u like. Can share my outline and letter.
you have a business registration? You can ask 2-3 clients if its ok to share the agreement you have with them. Also emails between you and the clients showing they are your actual clients. Describe your business with them from A to Z with examples and proof. Add some paid invoices as well.