Ally ***********
This is a summary of
Ally ***********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 217 comments.



Ally ************
@Per ********
I never suggested there would be a 'BRICS' currency.. or a one-world currency of any description for that matter.. countries that are declaring an intention to join BRICS are simply moving to an asset backed currency.. which is a requirement for them to participate in the new world financial system.. and it is imperative for nations to retain their own (completely independent) currency units in order to maintain sovereignty.. hence the Euro cannot survive since the EU is not a sovereign state.. but a federation designed with the sole intention of removing a member nation's sovereignty.. so all EU countries will have to revert to their native unit of currency.. and after collectively wiping out all national debt across the world.. and equalising exchange rates.. every country will have a clean slate to begin building a better future for it's people.. no more creating money out of thin air and lending it to govt's.. which has been the means by which CB's have exerted political control over nations in the past.. CB's are unnecessary since they only serve their paymasters.. the functions that may still be required can be absorbed by the Treasury division of a sitting govt.. but will be run by true representatives of the people.. not business men looking to grift an unsuspecting public.. the whole concept of banking has to change since it's been a den of inequity since inception.. and that change is coming fast.. people need to go to Rumble or Bitchute and search terms such as qfs and nesara/gesara to get informed!
Ally ************
@Per ********
The currency was originally created to hide the spoils of illegal activities.. has been mined by the same criminals ever since.. and has been artificially supported by them to look attractive.. it will soon bomb again.. but next time the freefall will have no bottom!
Ally ************
@Per ********
Do you know how the US Dollar gained it's 'petro' status.. that the agreement for SA to sell it's oil ONLY in USD expired this month.. and that the only reason for any country in the world to hold USD reserves.. ie. to be able to purchase oil.. expires with it.. the agreement with SA elevated the US Dollar to become the world 'reserve currency'.. but today SA can now accept (and indeed prefer) BRICS currencies.. every nation will now be dumping their USD reserves since they have no compulsion to hold them.. a simple supply and demand equation!
Ally ************
@Per ********
There will be no 'central banks' in the future.. not in the sense you think of them today anyway.. very few people know who owns (or used to own) the Federal Reserve.. or the BoE for that matter.. I'll guarantee it won't be who people think it is! All CB's have to be removed to fix the world!
Ally ************
You are correct in so much that the US Dollar (fiat dollar / petro dollar) is dead.. and has been replaced as the world's reserve currency by the Yuan.. a new worldwide financial system is close to being announced.. and BRICS is being used as the codename for it whilst this operation remains covert.. I'd rather have my investments sitting in a bank in a BRICS country right now.. especially since there is going to be an imminent collapse of the US banking system.. and although your money might re-appear in the aftermath.. you may lose access to it for a lengthy period of time.. making life very uncomfortable indeed.. same goes for Uk or Euro held bank deposits.. i wouldn't be worried about a few bips either way on the exchange rate.. or what interest i can or cant earn.. I'd be more concerned about protecting the capital right now!
Ally ************
You can even pay the ice cream man with a QR code.. lol 😂
Ally ************
It strikes me that people jump in with their advice without actually bothering to read (or digest) what the OA has written.. this leads to misguided information which can waste people's time.. or could even cause despondency when an OA believes their dream of emigrating to Thailand might be shattered.. thankfully we have the likes of Brandon and Stewart to moderate the airwaves and filter out the junk.. thanks guys 👍
Ally ************
I don't understand why some people choose to make fun of honest posts.. it seems too many are suffering from a superiority complex.. and can't let an opportunity to patronise slip by.. attempting to belittle someone you don't know and are clearly not in a position to judge is contemptable imo.. and such rudeness and disrespect verges on bullying.. if you have nothing constructive to offer then why not simply jog on.. instead of clothing up the threads with vitriol that I'm sure most of us don't want to read.. good manners cost nothing as my gran used to say.. and say a lot more about you than boasting ever will.. rant over 😡
Ally ************
@John *******
I doubt they need directions to find your address.. unless it's an overspill from 30+ years ago when gps technology didn't exist!
Ally ************
In CM they wanted a hand drawn sketch showing the position of the house in the Soi.. but also expected the adjoining roads that lead out of the estate to the main road (ie. the public road) to be marked.. i think the idea was for me to prove i understand how to navigate to my house.. though it's rather futile in this day and age with the advent of gps.. and imo it proves very little really.. apart from the fact that i can't draw for toffee.. lol 😂