Having visas inside the country seems like the best step for everybody. And I guess they can not do that without an amnesty also, as everybody will go into overstay before being able to get the visa in country.
No, I guess you are right. I do not see them changing anything soon. At first I thought they were too scared, but as the situation does not improve outside of Thailand, I do not blame them.
Options will come. If you want to plan your exit, you are free to do so. That is what that spokesman is aiming for. But look at the options they have if they offer no sollution. They are not going to arrest everybody on amnesty and put them in detention until they can get a flight out.
In Thailand it is not useful to have expectations based on what officials said, they change their mind all the time. When someone important says they want to clear out foreigners, he is saying what the Thai people want to hear and also hoping most foreigners leave by themselves.
I have empathy for those who had to stay here by no fault of their own, and are doing the best they can to make arrangements. I have no empathy for people who think the are entitled to everything because they already lived here many years on a tourist visa, nor do I have empathy for those who wish ill on people who do have the right papers to stay here.
It unfortunate that we all seem to think there are only two groups. People on amnesty who are all entitled freeloaders who made no effort to leave and blame everybody for their problems. And fat retired old people who sit in a bar every day watching young girls while drinking beer. Both groups are more varied. 😄
I do agree with your arguments, it seems better to me if people van stay here a bit longer. Less risk of spreading Covid, and they are not hurting anybody.
But it seems Thai security agencies will not allow another amnesty. They realy hate not being in control and knowing all about you.
I do not like the "them" vs "us" Thailand is showing now also. But it is their country, we are just guests.
This man is saying this so you have three weeks to make arrangements after you already had 3 months to make arrangements.
But you can also just wait another week what the official statement will be. Maybe they have a nice idea to not give amnesty, but extend visas in Thailand.