If you overstay your visa for they stamp something about it in your passport
Asking for a friend
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Overstaying a visa in Thailand can result in a fine and a stamp in your passport indicating the overstay. The fine is typically 500 baht per day, capped at 20,000 baht. If you overstay for more than 90 days, you may face a ban from re-entry ranging from 1 to 10 years, depending on the length of the overstay. Although some users reported being forgiven a day of overstay at the airport, generally, you will receive a stamp and must pay the fine. Overstaying can complicate future visa applications, and it’s advised to address any visa issues before they arise.
When we left Thailand in May we had to go to the immigration office (all overstays did) and have something stamped in our passport with a bite due to COVID-19
Adrian ********
It used to be . First day free then everyday after that 500bht
Reda ********
If no solution about have more visa.. can overstay 89 days pay 20.000bath for no ban a year/s!
exactly. Desperate times can call for desperate measures. And this is a realistic option. Which begs to question, why would they not offer a 90 -180 day exceptional COVID visa?
Reda ********
Yes... is no good solution.. but if no solution.. now we just lose time for thinking about the worried visa...
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Reda ********
Joe ***********
On July 31 If you have not found a solution for staying or leaving you can apply for an Extension - it will be denied - then you will be issued a 7 day MUST LEAVE Thailand Stamp. Fee = 1900. This is the case most of the time unless there is some odd complication.
Todd *********
People will have hard decisions to make soon, and understanding the implications (now and future) or each course of action is important. We also have no idea what the exit from amnesty will look like. New options? Old border bounces cease etc. Thailand benefits greatly from a 30-180 day Covid-safe visa exemption as it lallows many thousands of Covid free tourists to stay and contribute versus returning to complex situations in their home nation. For those that still have one
- What are you talking about? If a person is all out of options on their last day of stay - the process I described is a standard method used many times over the years by many people to have 7 more days to make an orderly exit from Thailand without negative complications.
If a person is on their last day of possible stay - out of all other options and they don't ask for this 7 day last resort Extension... Then they have to leave by midnight that very day.
If you're really nice and polite and smile a lot they might not give you the overstay stamp.
Tod *********
FAIL, if you've overstayed more than 24 hours you WILL get the stamp when you fly out :/ AND you will ALWAYS get the stamp and the 500 baht if you leave by a land border even if it's under 24 hours of overstay.
they didn't give me an overstay stamp at immigration and now I am going onto a work visa without having to leave the country. Paid the 500 baht per day fine.
I accidentally overstayed 1 day due to working out flights wrong. Just taken in office explained my mistake. Said I was sorry. No problem. No stamp. No fine
Tod *********
actually WHEN you have a single day overstay and fly out they waive the 500 baht fine AND believe it or not they DO stamp in your passport next to your departure card fine waived overstay less than 24 hours looks like this
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Tod *********
Tod *********
this is an overstay stamp for 2 days with a fine of 1000baht
Chris ********
Changed now mate ther in red, inside a big red square.
Kev **********
Captain barfine got carried away 😂😂 remember remember the 5th of November
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Kev **********
James **************
You get a stamp yes, ive had various ones through out my time here.
1 day overstay is 500 baht, so 500 baht per day up to a maximum of 20,000 baht.
If you get caught on overstay you will end up in serious trouble.
The only time they might not stamp your passport for overstay is if you are at the airport and your flight is after midnight, which puts you into a days overstay. Sometimes they might just fine you, or alot of the time they will just let you go with a normal departure stamp.
Just dont overstay, take it from me, as i have been a silly person with overstay in the past.
It can cause problems on re-entry especially if you dont have a visa.
More than a day and you will get a stamp. Don’t expect grovelling to work in the current climate.
Daniel ********
I was in Koh Samui immigration on Wednesday. I asked the IO about my options. My girlfriend is Chinese. The IO said that she would need to leave by July 31 like me even though there was a notice back in February on the immigration window that stated “Chinese can stay until the virus ends”. Nevertheless, the IO said “that was just a notice; the amnesty is law. “
I then asked her about overstaying as an option. She said that if you you are caught by an investigator, even on a first day overstay, you will be put in jail, fined the 20,000, and will get a ban of five years. But if you show up at the airport, you will just pay the 20,000, and get a ban of 1-5 years. Essentially, you can overstay here for years and still pay the 20,000, and get a lengthy ban of 1-10 years, depending on how long you stayed. Just don’t get caught.
Yes. Which can effect your entry and visa applications for many countries. Not to mention you could be banned from Thailand for a set amount of time.
yes.. we dont known nothing... we only hope more amnesty for free 555
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Reda ********
แมทธิว **************
Yes it is in Thai and states overstay. depending on how long you could ask nicely that it didn’t go in, I heard of a couple weeks being ignored after serious grovelling but long overstay will result in fines and possibly a ban from coming back
Depends on 2 things. Length of overstay and whether you got caught or surrendered yourself
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Greg ********
Av **********
Yea and u go in the computer and possibly banned
Chris ********
It's 500 bht a day fine, up to 20,000bht, then you get a 1 - 3 year ban (red stamp) depending on your fine and length of overstay..
Av **********
Listen the guy asked a question i answered.......i have residency so the overstay thinf is not issue for me...i was just trying to be realistic and help sorry i even tried
what im saying is, the comment doesn't emphasize the actual story, if someone was just browsing and just skimmed this post, they might decide to overstay thinking they wont get a stamp.
Like i said the only time that someone might not get a stamp or a fine , is at the airport when you are leaving at your flight might be after midnight.
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James **************
Carsten ************
You will be stamped the Passport for sure, incl the number of days you overstayed.
Not for me about 12 years ago. I left Bangkok about 7 pm on the last day of my visa (no choice) and arrived at Nong Khai by 6 am when the border opened. I got fined because it was the next day and I'd forgotten!
So 500 baht and a stamp in the passport just for 6 hours over! :-(
However, that was a long time ago and also individualI IOs make their own rules up.
i was on a border run once with a guy who had an epic overstay--one day short of being banned--i don't know if he got a stamp or not. it was a big pile of cash though. just because he forgot about that pesky visa stuff.