Brian ****************
This is a summary of
Brian ****************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 6 questions and added 65 comments.



Brian *****************
Wise is a lot cheaper.
Brian *****************
I just sent my wife's allowance from Spain and it took seconds.
Brian *****************
@Jackie *****************
British passport get 60 days exemption, and you can extend it in immigration for another 30 days, they have offered me 60 days more because I have a Thai wife.
Brian *****************
I come in 2 or 3 times a year and extend and younger immigration officers ask me why I don’t get a visa, last time I was pulled out of the queue, I’m 77, and taken to fast track where I had no problem. I have asked if there’s any problem with re entry and I’ve always been told if I fly it’s fine.
Brian *****************
I come maybe 4 or 5 times a year, as long as you fly there is no problem.
Brian *****************
I was pulled out of the main queue when I arrived last week, they must think I’m 80! What cheek I’m only 77.
Brian *****************
I lived there with my gf and her daughter during covid, my expenses didn’t come to 800€ a month.
Brian *****************
Sounds like quite an adventure. Maybe you should do a blog so we can follow your process.
Brian *****************
They are obligated to by law, all of my Wise type accounts have been soliciting information.