I have a Google number (free). When I want to call the U.S. I cut cell off and have web to use Google number. Also, that number has Text and voice message. I give that number out for when I’m home in Thailand, to my bank, Insurance, relatives…. They call me at the Google number, leave a message or Text and I reply with the Google number the next day.
Go to the Thaiembassy website. It will route you to LA or DC. Determine the VISA you wish to get and proceed to enter data, take pictures and Pay. Then in about a week it should be ready for you.
I believe what the last member was trying to convey is a VISA is different than a “Extension of Stay.” If you had a 1 year multi-entry VISA from your Home, going to the border would only work to serve for the 90 day requirment to leave the country, and return. This is Only capable on a Multi-entry type VISA. The only way I am aware of getting an extension of stay is to have a long term multi-entry VISA from your homes Thai embassy, first. Then apply for one of the in country plans. I hope this clarifies a little.