immigration alternatives

Showing 7 questions

This page displays all the results for the immigration alternatives tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 7 questions that have been tagged with immigration alternatives. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
May 19, 2024
8 months ago
Shai ********
A question to a members already live in Thailand.

Do you have such of plan B? Let's say that one day they refuse to extend your retirement visa (by any reason) or they tighten the requirements to a point you gonna feel that you can't complied it.

What you gonna do? Do you have somewhere to go back to at home? Start from scratch? Or maybe move to another country?
Sep 20, 2020
4 years ago
Max *********
Hello, I am asking for a friend.

He has a EU passport, a valid work permit and an expired business visa.

He is on amnesty now and waiting for his business visa for the next destination (Vietnam) which may or may not come before the amnesty expires.

He is considering overstaying for up to a week, here are the questions that he asked me to put forward:

- Is the penalty 500/baht per day and nothing else?

- Overstay up to 7 days means blacklist?

- Does he have valid alternatives (going back to Europe isn't a viable option)?

Nov 16, 2019
5 years ago
Stitch ********
I've been living in Thailand for the past 2.5 years with tourist visas and one education visa.

I'm understanding it'll be near impossible for me to return on a tourist visa with all the stamps currently in my passport.

Is there a specific amount of time I need to be out of the country before I can return on another tourist visa?

Appreciate the help all.
Oct 3, 2019
5 years ago
Austin ***************
A close friend of mine (South African) was just denied his ed visa in Laos. The reason they gave him was "they don't trust him" and told him to apply in his home country.. looking for an alternate solution.. has anyone else faced this issue and found another solution? Thanx
May 21, 2019
6 years ago
James **********
Trying to evaluate a Plan B

To the Oracles of this splendid group.

My OA Long Stay is expiring 6 August 2019

I will have had 2 years out of it by then.

I have a Lease on a condo expiring mid October 2019.

Original plan A was to return to Australia August 6 and apply for a new OA long stay. Then assuming it was approved make my back to LOS for another 2 years.

Fly in the ointment

Possible Health Insurance requirement. read it again..


I'm 73 years young but cannot get cover that I can afford....if indeed the Health Insurance is made mandatory.

So Plan A goes in the bin. NO return to LOS.

So plan B is I exit LOS as required on 6 August 2019 ...but go to say Penang or another close city and apply for a Tourist Visa and if issued come back to LOS see my Lease out by mid October 2019 and return to Australia at that point.

Is this doable?

I'm in Pattaya so which exit to which country for a tourist visa would be the most sensible?

I'd be coming back into LOS for approximately 2 months.

Please advise.

And whilst a little off topic...if the Health Insurance becomes law for OA Long Stays I expect there will be one or two others facing same predicament...Has anyone an opinion on another Asian Country?
May 14, 2019
6 years ago
Kayla ******
My friend is director of a company in Thailand but wants to start working so needs to get a 90 day non B business visa.

They have all documentation except a letter from the ministry of labour.

They were going to go to immigration in Singapore but were told they need the letter to get the visa there and they have to go to Hong Kong.

Is there anywhere else closer they can go without the letter from the ministry of labour and still get the 90 day non B business visa? KL, Cambodia, yangon, kota bharu etc? Thanks
May 1, 2018
7 years ago
James *******
Hello, as im hearing rumours that you can no longer get a one year Non B visa from Penang unless you are shareholder/director, are there any alternatives? Can we get one in KL, Laos, Cambodia etc? any ideas? thanks.
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