Dylan *******
This is a summary of
Dylan *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 13 questions and added 54 comments.



Dylan ********
@Paul *********
8 years is a pretty good run. I guess some are never caught.
Dylan ********
I have no idea about Penang but I just did this in Savanakhet. I got back 5am this morning. The crowd on the first day was terrible but thankfully they stayed open past 11 to get everyone to hand in documents. They also opened earlier than 2pm the next day for pick up. I was very happy to get it. I didn't need any financial proof.
Dylan ********
I went through last Monday. Took 10 minutes at the most. So easy.
Dylan ********
Denied exit, I've not heard of that before.
Dylan ********
Excellent post. I have just had to find a new place to live after landlord decided to kick me out after requesting he notify immigration I was staying here. Wil just do it myself now. :)
Dylan ********
Give it a few years and they will want us microchipped. Haha