there's 0 risk leaving on the last day under normal circumstances. This guy's only mistake was not standing there to count out the days. I doubt many of us would think of doing that. I just check it's the right month
I unfortunately copped 2. I definitely stood in the wrong line on both occasions. Both women mind you so I definitely join the male officer cues these days
well seriously if the immigration officer he dealt with yesterday was a decent human they wouldn't have fined him seeing he actually hit the border on the day he was stamped.
You know considering alot of visa stuff is up to the discretion of the officer you deal with, you'd have to be a real @#$@ of a human to not exonerate the fine when you just followed the stamp that was incorrectly done. Especially seeing alot of officials at the airport waiver the fine for a 1 day overstay.
yeah I know but it sucks you only get stamped in for 60 days at a time. They should just make it a 6 months tourist visa that you don't have to leave the country for. There's no logical reason to get this visa
yes sadly and with no logical reason the 6 month visa requires extensions and border bounces. I mean logically a 6 month visa should at the absolute most require a 90 day report like the non-o visas but yeah for some really fugged up reason this is not the case