Taz **********
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Taz **********
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Taz **********
There are plenty of cheap rooms for rent in Thailand, some are only 1,000 baht per month
Taz **********
Don’t close your UK accounts, surely you have a relative or friend who’s address you can use as your UK address, I have used my sister’s address as my residence for 14 years
Taz **********
@Andreas ********
some ppl prefer to keep money in their home country as it can earn more in interest than in a Thai bank account, also if you are sick or injured you can still access the money from your home country.

If you die in Thailand, who gets the money from your Thai bank 🤔

Easier for family in home country to be willed to access money kept in home country as opposed to money kept in Thailand.
Taz **********
@Brandon ***********
another way to do it is once you start with an agent, use the 65,000 monthly income or deposit your 800,000

At extension use your agent showing the actual funds in your bank for the previous 12 months

Then next extension do it yourself

It’s not that hard

Only ppl who can’t think outside the box or listen to others saying they will be stuck with an agent

Also, keeping the funds in your own bank in your home country earnings interest, you will earn enough interest at the moment to cover the agents fees for the yearly extension

However if you keep the money in a Thai account you will earn f all interest & when you die 🤔 who gets the funds held in Thailand 🤔🤔🤔
Taz **********
@Brandon ***********
you are not stuck with an agent, my friend used an agent, then when he did his second extension he f do I’d it showing 65,000 baht per month income for the previous 12 months into his Thai bank account, I’ve also seen some comments on post previously where others have done the same.
Taz **********
@Peter *********
the visa is not actually illegal

Ppl are just paying a fee for others to not care about not having funds seasoned

Yes this is an illegal act being performed, however it can only be acted on when investigated properly

However eventually one day something may change especially when someone gets sick or injured and doesn’t have funds in their bank or insurance to pay hospital bills

I believe this is what caused embassies to stop issuing the financial letters
Taz **********
Some also charge 100 baht per person per month for water usage which is more than the average person actually uses however they will complain if they see you using a lot of water

This isn’t always the case

However best to ask if they impose a unit price ect or the bill is direct from the PEA (provincial electricity authority) to you
Taz **********
Ask the owner what they charge for electric and water per unit

Some properties the electric ect will either be in your name or the bill will just come to you despite it being the owners name

However some will impose their own Tarif, so they will be billed by the set rate for electric by unit used then they will charge a higher unit price to the renter, this can be sometimes double the amount they pay

A fair amount is to only be charged 1-2 baht higher then the set rate, however some charge between 8-10 baht over the set rate

This could mean you are paying approximately 3,000 baht more every month which could be approximately 36,000 baht extra every year & this money is better in your own pocket

This all depends on your personal electricity usage, mainly influenced by how much you use an aircon
Taz **********
Taz **********
Vodafone in Australia has $5 per day roaming

You are only charged one time when you make or receive a call or use data

I pay $40/ month then when I use the Vodafone sim I get charged $5, however then I can call as many ppl that I want for the day & the maximum charge is $5 for that day

There is a cap on the number of days in 12 months