Rules change like the weather. Try another branch and you will get another story. Stay calm and keep trying. As others have said, an agent can make rules go away with cash.
Yes, indeed. Often very friendly. Last week I was running alone at a track at noon here in Korat. I saw two men walking across the field both carrying long ladders on their shoulders. They saw me, I saw them and their big friendly smiles. I must have been moving three times their speed or more and most certainly was "using the track". As we neared each other I noticed that our paths were about to intercept as they were nearing the track. Yes, at the very last second I put the brakes on hard so as to not collide with them and their ladders. They never slowed or stopped but continued walking and kept up with the smiling. The smiling part sort of reminds me of something I remember as being associated with friendly. I have seen a lot of polite behavior and cheeriness in Asia but not a whole lot of courtesy. Still, I have had many more good experiences than bad and also hate carrying ladders.
Avoid using the SIM solution if you need reliable speed for Zoom meetings or the like. I have an AIS and a True modem and they do work well for internet browsing but will cause you to pull your hair out when trying to get a steady signal for teleconferencing. I basically wasted my money on those. I had an AIS fibre connection installed and all is fine. If you are moving into a condo you have to be sure that nothing gets lost in translation - saying you need "fast internet" may get you sharing a single wifi connection with ten of your neighbors. No company is hassle free, always reliable here. The others have given good advice - ask several neighbors about their experience and go from there.
Before going anywhere including the barber shop, post office , bicycle repair shop, favorite restaurant - whatever - determine that they are open first. You will save yourself weeks of time every year doing this.
Yeah. I have decided to not wear a helmet when on a motorcycle and throw trash wherever I damn please. It is a respect thing - totally understand. When in Rome, right?