I really don't have the time or the inclination to go look up examples. On countless occasions I have asked something or sat on relevant helpful info. Only to see... Thread closed. I have no more to add to that. So, I'm shutting down further questions :)
Understandable. I'm sure you're aware of the three proofs you should carry. As this topic will be closed shortly, feel free to pm me about the fast track thing.
Welcome! I'd not agree it's a "bunch of idiots", though. But, damn! The closing of discussions annoy me. So often leaves interesting questions unanswered. Let us know how you fair in South Korea.
I really don't think you'll have any problem (somewhat depending on your previous entry history.) Total conjecture, of course. You might wanna buy a fast track immigration service. I have a feeling it makes you look good. Total conjecture again :)