The front desk warned me that when the status you use for your extension changes, it becomes effective on the date you apply. Also, you're supposed to change your status whenever any event happens to cause it to change (e.g., your spouse dies). It's on the new form they're making everybody sign now when they apply for a visa or extend an existing one.
We're back from Immigration and everything was settled. When I showed up with my information on pensions from last year the problem disappeared. Don't ask me what the problem was; I still don't understand, but we got our extension, which is the most important thing.
They did, however, extend the visa for 1 year starting today instead of on February 26 which is when the old one expires. I think this is related to that new form that they're having everybody sign; since I changed the reason for my extension, the new one takes effect immediately, not on the anniversary.
My thanks to all concerned! Including the lady at Immigration that convinced the Big Boss to let it through.