Why do I need to get my TM30 stamped if my address hasn't changed?

October 8, 2018
6 years ago
George ********
I just returned from a month's stay overseas, and I'm preparing to go to Immigration today to get my TM30 stamped. I'm still living at the same address. Can anybody explain to me just what is the reason for me to go to Immigration? After all, they saw my passport and visa at the airport when I came back.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The necessity to get your TM30 stamped upon returning to Thailand, even when your address hasn't changed, is rooted in the immigration laws that require all foreigners to report their whereabouts within 24 hours of arrival. This process involves updating the Thai immigration database with your current address as well as your new arrival details, despite the fact that your previous information remains unchanged. Failing to comply could result in fines or complications with future immigration procedures.
Robert *******
And as this is going totally of topic, I close the commenting. Some Immigration Offices are enforcing the rules and your landlord or you need to update your passport detail, arrival date and the new TM 6 Departure card. Visit the office in your area, report the address and ask how and when they want you to come back to update the details. It takes 5 minutes of your time and you avoid fines if you don't follow their rules of enforcement.
Geoff ********
I’m all for an ankle bracelet...save a lot of hassle
Joe ***********
It is likely to never happen but as I suggested before: A Government Issued Long Stay Expat photo ID card as done in places like the Phillipines would achieve all Expat Alien whereabouts reporting problems.. I invision a Required Issued for a fee ID Card with an online updatible member account with password. The mandatory 24 hour address reporting and even 90 day reports could be part of the features and benefits to both the Government and Expats.. The current cards in use Pink, Blue - whatever don't suffice because many Expats are not married nor do they 'own' property.

The card could have a smart chip in it with all Alien info/data. This card could also serve as a Residence Certificate for obtaining a driver license, bank account, assist in obtaining a marriage certificate and more..

Actually I think Thai Immigration will someday adopt such a card for long stay on all annual Extensions of Non Imm visas.
Joe ***********
@Bernd **********
- I'm talking about a One Card Does All - not one login here, another office visit there and another online report somewhere else.. I know about what you suggest and find the scattered reporting mechanisms not sufficient - IMO
Bernd ***********
@Joe **********
it's not a vision you can do both, TM30 and TM47 already online. Use Search function here on the group. It has been explained here already how it works.
Adrien ******
Elisa *******
And with a house book with my name on it they still technically require this ?
Robert *******
If your Immigration Office enfore these rules, yes.
Adrien ******
The Border Immigration and the Internal Immigration Departments are not linked by a Database. That is why the Internal Immigration Department keeps asking for you to report your address within 24 Hours of you returning to your registered address. It's actually the Landlords responsibility to register you as returning. However, that responsibility nearly always falls onto the Foreignor. Also dependent on where you live different Immigration Offices interpret the Rules differently......Most in Isaan don't want you to come and notify them of your address.
Barry ******
also BKK immigration too...
Robert *******
They all linked to the same database.
Barry ******
because "right hand doesnt speak to left hand" so to speak. Welcome to typical government "efficiency"
Robert *******
The law made in 1975 says within 24 hours after arriving.
George ********
@Robert ******
I thought that they allowed up to 2 weeks to report to Immigration.
Robert *******
And as most people arriving, staying in hotels and guest houses who can report online, it is a less hassle for the tourist.
Joe ***********
@Robert ******
- That is what Barry said in informal English
Robert *******
No, with the law that a stay must be reported within 24 hours, they don't update the database on arrival with all these details on the airports. The queues would be much longer if they do it there.
Mark *******
They essentially want to know your whereabouts at all times. So, anytime you enter the country your address MUST be reported to immigration within 24 hours. It's the law. When you're just reporting back into the same address, it's easier/less time consuming.
Mark *******
You can not do it... but of course you will be fined next time you need to deal with immigration (res cert, extension, etc.)
Michael ********
What visa do you have...? If just on a tourist or VE, then there is pretty much no reason unless you will be extending later.
Michael ********
Yes but she called the authorities and pretty much invited them into her home to check on her immigration status.......LOL :) In general if not extending, there is no need to do the TM30.
Ron *******
@Michael *******
i wouldnt rely too much on that idea anymore after this enquiry when you have a problem with another issue.

George ********
Non-resident O. Retirement.
Robert *********
Don't sweat it George, US immigration are worse if you are not from there.
Robert *******
This page is for Thai Visa advice, please avoid to explain and discuss the US visa rules. Thanks.
Sean *************
Please explain. I’ve been in the visa queue for 5 years for the US. Will I also have to report my address in America every time I take a night away from home?
Robert *******
Yes, you have a new Departure card number and day of arrival in your passport.
George ********
OK. At least I don't have to schlepp all the way to Promenada any more.
George ********
But the details haven't changed.
Álvaro **********
The TM6 number has changed ;)
Ron *******
@George *******
take it up with them
Robert *******
The reason is to report your address if you stay at a private address, to update the TM6 Departure card number and the day you arrived. Depending on Visa or Extension of Stay, if you are able to stay longer than 90 days inside the country, you can only do the 90 days reports on-line if the correct details are updated in the database.
Ron *******
The reason is because immigration and sections 37 and 38 of the immigration act says you have too.
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