Michael *********
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Michael *********
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Michael *********
I believe the spouse is eligible for the SS amount that is greatest between the two spouses. So if your SS is 1000 and your deceased spouse is 1500 then you would get 1500. I might be wrong but you can find out with a google search. Of course SS only kicks in when you reach eligible age. Good luck.
Michael *********
Most important is showing flight out of Thailand within the 60 days.
Michael *********
A few years back I applied and got an OA visa via LA embassy. I got all documents notarized to include pokice background and medical.
Michael *********
I went to local sherif department for state clearance and did fbi fingerprint check separately and submitted both.
Michael *********
Up to a day before date the visa expires. No other limit. However of you don't enter within the year the the visa expires and you have to start the visa process again. I entered 4 months after visa start date without question.
Michael *********
Is the reentry permit purchased when you arrive or when you leave first time on new stamp?
Michael *********
@Robert ******
thank you Robert, I plan to be in compliance as required.