before I got all the help I’ve gotten, the process seemed quite daunting. I will go to immigration and do it myself. If for any reason there’s a snag, I’ll look into professional help. I very much appreciate all the help I’ve been afforded! 🥰
thank you for taking the time to read and redact an answer. I’m aware that the written word doesn’t always express a feeling. However, the tone in your comments have more of a mocking “feel” to them. I’m not one to sensor anybody’s speech but I wonder, if you have nothing to offer, why engage? Please exercise some self control and take your comments to someone who can appreciate them. Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I made an error when I said I’m in Chiang Mai at the moment. I misunderstood the question about where I will be filing for the retirement visa. The only item that still remains is the lease agreement and renew my license.