Do you need to pay to enter Thailand at immigration currently?

Oct 11, 2024
6 days ago
Michelle *********
Has anybody heard of having to pay to enter Thailand at immigration as of now?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Currently, whether you have to pay to enter Thailand depends on your nationality and the visa regulations in place. Travelers from countries eligible for visa exemption or Visa on Arrival typically do not pay any fees at immigration unless they are applying for specific visas. However, there are discussions around a potential tourist tax of 300 Baht, which is not yet implemented. Some travelers have mentioned fast track services at airports for a fee that can expedite the immigration process, leading to discussions about the ethical implications of such services. Additionally, rumors about bribing immigration officials have sparked debates, but these practices are discouraged.
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Grie *********
Tip 🎁 box
SJ *******
A $20 usd in the passport always greases the wheels.
Nigel ********
@SJ ******
why there no fee for most countries
David ********
Lynnette *******
@Michael ********
that isn't what they asked. They said did anyone know about paying immigration to enter.
Patrick ********
Just went through immigration from UK! No nothing
Willem ****
Howard ******
All you'll be paying is against the rise in power of the Thai baht.. 😬
T ****************
Andy ************
Not yet. It's coming with the ETA next year. 300 baht so no big deal. Only for tourists
Graham ******
@Andy ***********
The ETA and Tourist Tax are two different things as the now delayed ETA will only apply for Visa Exempt entries but many on Visas will also have to pay the proposed but much delayed Tourist Tax
Andy ************
@Graham *****
The delay in introducing the ETA (which is only required for visa exempt entries) is to align the "tourism tax" payment of 300 baht. The government was having difficulty with implementing the tourism tax as including it as part of the airline ticket meant everyone entering Thailand would be paying it, and this would negate its function which is to tax tourists, not residents. By introducing the ETA for visa exempt entries it means the target group of tourists would be the only category of entrants required to pay it. Yes, they are different initiatives but like many other countries now, they will be combined
Graham ******
@Andy ***********
We'll see if both get introducex
Andy ************
@Graham *****
I think they will. Thailand is hungry for money and this is one way to ship in a stack of foreign funds. If the estimated 36 million tourists this year is repeated next year it will net the Thai government 10.8 billion Baht. Nothing to be sneezed at. Even the UK is bringing this in. Within a few years it'll be a worldwide trend. Most interesting to see if the ETA has an expiry, or whether a new one will be needed each entry. It'll certainly upset the border bouncers!

Paul *********
Rob **********
Andrew ***********
Please explain?
Ralph *******
Not ‘as of now’.
Jörgen *********
I didn't pay anything, arrived September 27'th.
Michael *****************************
@Jörgen ********
whauuu lucky you
Michael **********
there is a "legend" that says that you can bribe your enter in the kingdom (especially if you live there with a tourist visa/visa exempt) with a 1000baht bill left inside the passport. The legend says that not every officer does that but you need to have a "connection" with an agent that will lead you to the right officer...
Daren *********
@Michael *********
What a ridiculous thing to write and recommend.
Michael **********
@Daren ********
blah blah blah blah. How long have you been going to thailand? who recommend to do that?
Daren *********
@Michael *********
21 years and counting
Michael **********
@Daren ********
well, nobody told u to do that and nobody asked for your advice. I was answering the question that op made, op is an adult and he/she knows what do to.
Eric ******
@Michael *********
what if you get one of the officers that don't? How do u explain 1000 baht falling out of your PP? Is there a law against bribery if they wanted to charge you?
Michael **********
@Eric *****
it doesn't work that way, at least that according to what I've heard.. There's an agent that will point out at the airport which officer you should line up at and the immigration officer there knows what to do... It's all well organized, it's not something random
Jason *******
@Michael *********
yep you are 100% right ….

I heard many things in Thailand

And 99.9% is bullshit

Pay your 1000 baht good luck

Stop suggesting bribery to other people….

Remember your phone or whatever you’re using isn’t private once you make comments like this …. Good luck
Eric ******
@Jason ******
um, yeah, I was just kidding about bribing the agent if they are reading this. I would never do that!
Michael **********
@Jason ******
oh, I didn't know you are special. OP asked a question and I replied to it. Nobody asked for your opinion. NOBODY. As I stated, it's something that I've heard and read about it and that's why I replied the OP. I'm not suggesting anyone to do that, I'm not giving away any contacts, I'm not asking for money. I heard many things in thailand, the only one that is 99.9% bs is when a married foreigner says that has found her wife while on holidays in phuket/pattaya/soi cowboy....
Jason *******
@Michael *********
sorry your wrong your legend is wrong also

I have never paid police

Pulled over many times

You keep doing it your way though what ever works for you
Michael **********
@Jason ******
my grandpa passed away @92 after smoking 2boxes of cigs a day and drinking a bottle of wine every other day. That proves that smoking and drinking isn't a bad thing for your body ;)
Brandon ************
@Michael *********
agent bypass costs a hell of a lot more than 1000 baht
Michael **********
@Brandon ***********
the legend says that 1000baht is just for the immigration officer, the agent that will put u in contact with the right officer has also a cost. That's what I've heard....
Jason *******
@Michael *********
and if you think how much you will have to pay for that crime just to stay out of jail - yhey will get more from you and you’ll probably have your picture posted with fingers pointing
Michael **********
@Jason ******
the legend says there are folks who have been living in thailand for years doing this trick. The legend says that you can also get in jail without doing anything, being at the wrong place at the wrong time might lead u to jail. If you have been in thailand long enough then you should know that you got no rights when u have to deal with the cops, even just for a stupid traffic stop...
Michael **********
@Eric *****
as I said, it's a legend.
Eric ******
@Michael *********
can I get the name of your agent? I'd like to bribe him too. 😁
Don *****
@Michael *********
don’t try this. Just don’t. 😂
Peter **********
thereis talk of a tourist tax of 300 baht, but not implemented as yet
Andy ********
@Peter *********
this will be included in your flight ticket
Cissi *********
@Andy *******
probably not... it is more likely to be a fee within ETA when that is implemented later on.
Andy ********
@Cissi ********
unlikely Cissi, it was collected at the airport in the 1980’ and 90’s but then added to the flight costs so it was easier for the Government to collect, in those days it was 500 baht and I met a few people at BKK airport who didn’t have 500 left to buy the exit ticket
Colin *********
@Andy *******
@Cissi ********
these things are either rumours or proposals at the moment. Up until now, Government Officials have said that the ETA will be free, so whether it will be free, it remains to be seen, If it is introduced later this year or early next year as rumoured. This ETA was apparently supposed to be introduced last year, when the Government wanted the cost to be included with airline tickets. It didn't go ahead at the time, apparently because the airlines refused to collect the 'tax' for the Government.
Cissi *********
@Colin ********
I am fully aware of that it is all rumours or proposals atm.
Cissi *********
@Andy *******
I remember when it was collected in the airport... However it is now said to be 300 thb and there is some that claim that the delay of the ETA-implementation is due to get this included in the system. I guess we will just have to wait and see...
Greta *****
When I arrived at Phuket airport there were like 1000 people in line so there was a 'fast track' line for 100 Baht so you saved yourself at least an hour waiting for like $3
Greta *****
@Will ********
Ok. So do your fight against corruption while waiting in line for one and half hours. I rather pay $3 and save that time . Obviously you don't value your time...
Peter *********
@Greta ****
not really even U.K. had fast track in Manchester and it’s a lot more than $3
Will *********
@Peter ********
you book in advance and go through official channels - the Phuket is a money making scheme by some crafy officials.

THere is a possible ramification if it is stopped - all the entry stamps handed out could be invalid!
Will *********
@Greta ****
Still corruption - create a slow line and then sell tickets round it. THey are doing exactly the same job as the slow line.

Nepotism corruption an graft in Thailand is grossly underestimated by visitors and you demonstrate why it thrives - over 60% of the Thai population think it's OK.. I personally would certainly reporting it or asking for an explanation.
Marc ********
@Greta ****
I often make use of corruption. But it's still corruption
Will *********
sounds like corruption to me.
Stuart **********
@Will ********
Rubbish,there is no corruption in Thailand,
Billy ******
@Will ********
you can pay for fast track at any airport 🙄
Will *********
@Billy *****
Where do you buy fast track at Suvarnabhumi or arrival? fast track you book in advance and costs about 50 quid.
Eric ******
@Will ********
I went to Disney World and the people that paid extra for FastPasses got to go in front. How corrupt.

Is TSA Pre-check corrupt also?

You get what you 'pay for'...
Will *********
@Eric *****
THat's not the same - Yu can for instance pay for fast rack on London eye. You pay to have the checks and everything done before hand and some capsules have spaces allotted. However with Thai arrivals everybody has to go through exactly the same process as each other - so the only way they can do that is take someone off the regular city and take away from ordinary arrivals and deliberately create a slow lane to make money for the officials operation the system.
Greta *****
@Will ********
And why does that bother you so much? If you don't like the way they do things in Thailand why do you live there!
Will *********
@Greta ****
- When an expat criticizes a country, there are always some people seem to think that responding with the old cliché "If you don't like it, why live there?" is a valid response....

This question of course misses the point of the criticism and is little more than an uneducated attempt to shut down valid observations. It is in reality a false dichotomy. The concept of "Living somewhere means you can't criticize it is absurd. No country is perfect, and recognizing flaws doesn't mean I don't appreciate the positives. Criticism and appreciation aren't mutually exclusive.

I lived in Thailand because I had a full-time job and saw a lot of potential, but I think it's important for anyone with a modicum of intelligence to speak up when they see things that can be improved. My criticism comes from a place of wanting betterment, not resentment. I have a sense of awareness that you seem to be missing out on yourself.

The idea that people should leave every time they have an issue with a place is just facile. Criticism is often the first step toward making a place better. Constructive criticism can coexist with living in and contributing to a place. Living here doesn't mean I have to agree with everything. Healthy societies thrive on open dialogue and debate. Again something your comment does nothing to help with. If you have a problem with my OP, then I’d suggest you refer the content, rather than letting it turn into a debate about anyone’s personal choice to live in the Kingdom.
Greta *****
@Tracey *******
My pleasure
Tracey ********
@Greta ****
when was this?
Greta *****
@Tracey *******
3 days ago. If there is a hugeine just ask for the fast track line. Literally 2 minutes and you're done
Tracey ********
@Greta ****
great to know. Thankyou
Louis **************
Michael *********
OA retirement visa is $200 US
Graham ******
@Michael ********
but not payed at the airport on arrival
Michael *********
No when submitting e visa application.
Baz *********
It depends on your passport country and what your visa requirements are (if any) to enter Thailand..

If you are from 1 of the 93 countries that now get visa exemption entry then no payment is required unless you apply for a particular visa before travel for longer than your 60 day excemption entry period.
Brandon ************
Sure, if you're from a country eligible for Visa on Arrival and you come without a visa, you have to apply for and pay for a visa at the airport. Otherwise no, you don't pay anything at the airport.
Michelle *********
@Brandon ***********
ah in that case not applicable to me. Thank you
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