Thanks for asking the question. I was wondering this too, as Promenada is quite far out of town from where I’m staying and I need to do this later on this month (I’d forgotten about the photo-taking bit too). Would be interested to know how long it takes you when you do it for reference if that’s not too much trouble 😄
When I got my METV (in Hull) they were fine with ‘official’ bank statements that had come through the post (rather than print outs from online banking). I spoke to my bank and they said that they don’t do official stamps any more and just to use posted statements for visas generally.
I'm going to drop them an email in the next week or so in respect of getting a new METV with a view to popping over in about 3 weeks if positive (I too am curious what I need to provide to prove I need an METV - I'm not going to book a shed load of flights in the hope I'll get one). I'll update on progress.