Charlotte ******
This is a summary of
Charlotte ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 7 questions and added 56 comments.



Charlotte *******
Yes loads. And no one got turned away - very different to Phuket where they are very strict.
Charlotte *******
Thanks for asking the question. I was wondering this too, as Promenada is quite far out of town from where I’m staying and I need to do this later on this month (I’d forgotten about the photo-taking bit too). Would be interested to know how long it takes you when you do it for reference if that’s not too much trouble 😄
Charlotte *******
When I got my METV (in Hull) they were fine with ‘official’ bank statements that had come through the post (rather than print outs from online banking). I spoke to my bank and they said that they don’t do official stamps any more and just to use posted statements for visas generally.
Charlotte *******
I'll create a smart looking itinerary and print it off!
Charlotte *******
Yes, the silence on other forums does concern me!
Charlotte *******
I'm going to drop them an email in the next week or so in respect of getting a new METV with a view to popping over in about 3 weeks if positive (I too am curious what I need to provide to prove I need an METV - I'm not going to book a shed load of flights in the hope I'll get one). I'll update on progress.
Charlotte *******
And provided the first 5 days hotel bookings.
Charlotte *******
@Selina ******
I'm going Tuesday! (3rd time on METV). It's dead easy.