Try their sister company called Avanti. They provide the same cover for a reduced fee for some reason. They also allow you to extend your cover while abroad if you decide to stay for longer.
If you rent, then the unit rate will be anything from 5 bht upwards. If you own your condo then you will pay the basic government rate of around 5 bht p/kw
I pay 7 bht p/kw and we (x2) only use AC to bring the temperature down a few minutes each time, about 10 times a day. I have fans in living room then bedroom on constantly
while we’re indoors. My electricity bill is around 1300 p/m.
Not the exception at all! They will however, make you buy 1 yr accident insurance for between 3k - 5k bht. Alternative is go through an agent for similar cost. Same same but different.