When should the 800,000 THB be deposited for a Non-O visa application in Thailand based on retirement?

Oct 5, 2024
12 days ago
Nick *******
When you apply for an O visa inside Thailand to eventually get the 12 month extension (based on retirement), at what point does the 800k bht need to go into your bank account?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
To apply for a NON-O visa conversion in Thailand and qualify for a 12-month extension based on retirement, the 800,000 THB must be in your bank account for a specific period. Some immigration offices, particularly in Jomtien/Pattaya, require the funds to be deposited at least 2 months prior to your application. Options like using an agent can help manage this requirement and simplify the application process.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
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Andy **********
Another option is to use an agent for the first year, and show the money and meet all the requirements yourself, then the second year and every year after that, you could just do the extensions yourself, using the monthly deposits or banked money method, some people just don't want to deal with all the paperwork and immigration visits, I've seen an agent in Pattaya, advertising ฿14k for the first year, and ฿7k for every year after that, if you continued to use them, if you meet all the requirements yourself, if you don't want to do it yourself the first year because of the extra paper and immigration visits, this is an option not to get tied to the agent forever.
Simon *******
Use an agent and they will sort the
0 bht out without you loosing any interest on your money at home,yes it costs but the interest more than covers it.
Nick *******
@Simon ******
What is the IO general opinion for first time using an agent to then applying yourself and using the 65k route for the second year? I’ve heard once you start using an agent you should stick with that method and not to change? True?
Kim *********
@Nick ******
no not true if you can show immi monthly deposits of 65k baht the previous 12 months then no need for an agent for the 2nd and forward. This is what I read in this group. And by the way it is not "should" but "have to use an agent every year" - which you don't if you have the funds.
Nick *******
@Kim ********
So immigration don’t like you moving from using an agent one year and all above board the next?
Kim *********
@Nick ******
using an agent to deposit the money and withdraw them immediately after is violating the rules and the agent bribes an immi officer. I don't understand how you can conclude from what I said that immi don't like moving from using an agent. The corrupt officer don't like he won't receive his bribe anymore that's for sure. Sometimes offices are checked and if that control finds out there is a corrupt officer then he is probably not an officer anymore and all cases approved by him are examined and results in cancelation of the illegal approvals. Besides that immi can anytime they want request to see your bankbook - you wouldn't want that if you used an agent to deposit and withdraw.
Nick *******
@Kim ********
I never concluded anything from what you said. I was forwarding information I had heard from another source and asking if that was your experience or knowledge also. Sorry if I confused you.
Kim *********
@Nick ******
you didn't confuse me but your reply to a remark from me was "so immigration don't like you moving from using an agent one year and all above board the next?" - I would certainly call that a conclusion - but never mind
Nick *******
@Kim ********
Just trying to clarify if that information I’ve been given was something you’d experienced or heard. Not my conclusion. No worries, have a nice day.
Kim *********
@Nick ******
yes ok - no not experienced it since I do not use agents but what I said is what I have read several times in this group and another visa group and I have been following both for quite a long time now 😊
Graham ******
@Nick ******
The likelihood is you will not meet the financial requirements for the subsequent extension because the 800k was only in your account for long enough to get a statement printed not 3 months post-approval then 400k for the rest of the year
Nick *******
@Graham *****
Sorry bud, not following you here. Are you saying I won’t have the funds in my account long enough before I apply for the O extension? Surely I would if I deposit at the same time as applying for the original O visa, which has a validity of 3 months?
Graham ******
@Nick ******
I'm talking abouts agents depositing the money to get around the rules, if you have the money why would you use an agent?
Nick *******
@Graham *****
I haven’t said I want to use an agent. Contributors to this post have suggested it. I have the money to deposit but I’ve also been transferring 65k pm for the last 10 months. I didn’t originally know the first extension could not be done on the transfer of funds method only from the second extension onwards.
Tony *********
@Nick ******
I would deposit your own money in the first year and then move to the 65k route.

So you lose one years interest, after the initial year you get your 20k back and you never pay another agent, win win
Simon *******
@Nick ******
you need a bank account to get a visa ,the banks won't give you a bank account unless you have a visa,having tried to sort out the bank account first and failed I decided to use an agent
bht for bank account and retirement visa on the first year then is
every year after.

0 bht (£
) I get £1000 interest per year this covers any agents fees plus a bit left for me.
Rob *********
@Simon ******
you are only using the 800k for 2 months not a full year though.
Graham ******
@Rob ********
Two months before applying for an extension and 3 months after to meet the requirements for getting a subsequent extension
Rob *********
@Graham *****
my point is the interest will not cover it
Stephan ***********
@Simon ******
May I ask how/where you get 5% interest?
Nick *******
@Simon ******
I have a bank account as I currently have a work permit and NON-B visa. Who is your agent?
Brandon ************
You need the 800,000 in your bank in order to apply for a non-O visa conversion in Thailand. Some offices require the money to be in your bank for 2 months already when you apply (mainly Jomtien/Pattaya).
Nick *******
@Brandon ***********
Isn’t the 800k required 2 months before the extension and not the initial O application?
Brandon ************
@Nick ******
you cannot apply for the non-O visa without already having the 800k in your Thai bank account. Most offices just want to see that it's there and that it was transferred from outside Thailand. But Jomtien wants to see that it was there for 2 full months already.

And then for an extension you must also show that the money was in your bank account for 2 full months before applying at every office
Nigel **************
@Brandon ***********
that is exactly what I have been told by the Petchabun IO too
Nick *******
@Brandon ***********
I’m coming off a work visa and I’m about 2 months short of having 12 consecutive months of 65k or more in my bank. Looking for the best option to transition to O extension. Maybe leaving and coming back in on a 60 day is the way to go?
Brandon ************
@Nick ******
You won't be able to use 12 consecutive months of transfers. The non-O visa itself and the first 1-year extension of stay can only be obtained 2 ways.

1) Income verification from your embassy

2) Proof of 800,000 baht in your Thai bank account

If your embassy does not provide income verification, then the only option is the 800,000 baht in your Thai bank account. You could have 10 years of monthly transfers, and it won't matter. The ONLY option for getting the 90 day non-o Visa in Thailand as well as the first 1-year extension are the 2 options I listed. The SECOND 1-year extension can use monthly transfers, but the first one cannot.
Graham ******
@Brandon ***********
If he's coming off a work Visa and has verified income inside Thailand for 12 months prior to the Non-O application can that be used?
Brandon ************
@Graham *****
he said he doesn't have the transfers already at 12 months when his work extension ends so he won't qualify to change reasons. Can't use pay stubs to qualify for a retirement extension 😉
Graham ******
@Brandon ***********
ok, only a marriage extension
Nick *******
@Brandon ***********
So transfer 65k pm throughout my first years O extension. Only after my second year O extension has been granted using the transfer of funds method, can I withdraw my 800k? Not at any time before?
Nick *******
@Brandon ***********
Ah ok, great info. Thanks.
Garrett ***********
@Nick ******
You need the 800k in a bank account if you're applying for an initial 90 day Non-O. The yearly extension requires it in the account for 2 months.
Nick *******
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