Adam ******
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Adam ******
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Adam ******
I don't think you scrolled down far enough. I used it two days ago.
Adam ******
@Dmb ******
Obviously been updated since I last looked at it. It used to show a 'not before' date and a 'not after' date.
Adam ******
@Dmb ******
The online reporting window appears to have been updated now to 15 days before to 7 days after!
Adam ******
@Dmb ******
It does say on the page somewhere what the online window is. Definitely not down to the day before though. Perhaps you just got lucky.
Adam ******
Maybe he's on a percentage for grassing up overstayers. 😁
Adam ******
@Nongnuch *******
I only use one of the eighty-five and they reset my 90 days when they handed me the new extension.
Adam ******
I always ask the immigration to reset it when I pick up my visa.