So says the self appointed guru of crassness.. criticising other people for holding a different opinion seems to have become a regular hobby for some people.. and strangely every such 'critic' believes their voice is the most knowledgeable and most righteous.. they are incapable of offering an opinion without throwing insults at someone.. but they fail to recognise that every 'normal' person that reads their venomous post/s will instantly dismiss them as a trumped up tw@t with nothing meaningful to contribute.. being civil costs nothing and should be everyone's default choice when beginning a dialogue.. indeed it takes a lot more effort to be disrespectful.. yet it seems to come naturally to some.. a very sad indictment on the world we now live in!
Not at all.. my comment was aimed at everyone that participates in these forums.. hence the use of the word 'people'.. unfortunately you rushed to a judgement to criticise me.. enuff said!
Your arrangement is very generous.. and if you can afford it then that is fine.. however it is not representative of the 'norm' in Thailand by any means.. as mentioned elsewhere here.. the average monthly pay for a Thai worker rarely exceeds 10,000 baht.. and whilst a good housekeeper / maid is undoubtedly worth their weight in gold.. their pay scale would not compare with that of a qualified tradesmen say.. so it really comes down to what you feel like paying.. and that is often driven by the relationship you have established.. if you like someone and are comfortable having them around your home then you may be willing to pay them more than the going rate.. and once you bond with somebody there is a natural desire to want to help them out financially.. in the end any arrangement should be fair to both parties.. meaning neither one is being taken advantage of by the other!
People shouldn't lecture others on how to spend their money.. particularly when they have no knowledge of that persons financial situation.. a sweeping statement like '...isnt going to affect you one bit' has no substance unless you have a real understanding of the OA's wealth.. and just because you think a certain way it doesn't mean you are right.. or make it feasible for somebody else to do as you would do.. people need to stick to the script and offer constructive advice instead of sitting in judgement and rushing to criticise!
At last, i hear from someone who has stepped outside the matrix and has woken up.. you are absolutely correct.. it was invented by said agency to fund their black ops' under the BO criminal regime.. and BR is cab. al owned and a tool for market manipulation.. a massive part of their control mechanism.. glad to see you are wide awake 👏
People that make such conceited statements without doing some serious research should consider building themselves a padded cell.. preferably one without windows.. so they can't hurt themselves when they realise just how foolish they were in such a public forum.. and so that the world can't see the embarrassment on their face.. when the universe proves that my forecasts were pretty close to the reality that unfolds.. until then people can wallow in their self-acclaimed superiority and continue to massage their own egos.. but one day soon they'll realise they simply didn't understand the reality of the world we are living in!
Your lecture overlooks the fact that bit coin is (or has been) the primary currency of the evil child traff. icking industry.. it suited them because it is not uniformly regulated across the world.. and despite your assurances to the contrary transactions are not easily traceable.. however the fuse has been lit under that monstrosity of a business and the war against it is being won globally.. the only cryptos that will be likely to survive are XRP and XLM.. and they will be asset backed moving forward using gold (on Ripple) and silver (on Stellar).. and they will sit on a universal quantum platform that tracks all transactions.. BTC will not survive and will not exist in the new world.. this decision has already been made.. your history lesson is actually irrelevant.. because the past does not dictate the future.
When people hurl insults it's usually because they have no substance to share.. being rude and disrespectful to complete strangers does not make you righteous.. neither does it make you more intelligent.. you are at liberty to believe whatever.. though this will likely be exactly what the establishment wants you to believe.. people are still living inside the matrix.. and cannot see clearly because of a lifetime of blue-pilling.. once you step outside the matrix the fog will lift..but unfortunately cognitive dissonance prevails!