Joel ******
This is a summary of
Joel ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 10 comments.



Joel *******
I got pulled up there too when i arrived into phuket. First time in 2-3 years...
Joel *******
what if i've put my money into an interest account recently that doesn't show many transactions, but i can show another account where i'm doing all my transactions/where i moved the 500,000 from to the interest acc?
Joel *******
@Robert **********
I thought someone said they look at your history and it’s not good to just dump in 500,000 baht in your account the night before.
Joel *******
Guys, is money spread over three or four different accountant issue? Is it okay to just do the same thing and merge all PDFs into one?
Joel *******
I’m in Australia btw but I’d like to apply here then go to Vietnam for 1-2 weeks. Is it possible to go to Nam while I wait for processing?
Joel *******
@Charles *********
I’m saying, if I haven’t had more than 500,000 in my bank for the last 6 months, is it an issue?
Joel *******
So I also need proof of address right? Anything else?
Joel *******
Yeah please let us know what sort of proof you showed to get approved.