John ******
This is a summary of
John ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 14 comments.


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John ******
@Brandon ***********
Bangkok Bank reliably pays my PEA electricity bill by direct debit every month.

I was able to do this at the main Chiangmai PEA office, though it wasn't as straightforward as I'd have preferred.
John ******
@Jorge ***
Test questions and answers are available online somewhere. There aren't very many, which makes it easy, but you need to see these because the expected answers aren't always obvious (or necessarily correct!).
John ******
John ******
They may leave you in the lurch when you get too old!
John ******
@Dave ********
Yes, this is how, and why, the patronage system and its endemic corruption, persists.
John ******
@Us ****
Elite visa applications will be discontinued in their present form on 15th September, and what replaces them promises to be much more expensive.

The additional costs are likely to be significantly more than the cost of flights so you might wish to consider popping over to sort something out before the opportunity is lost.

Perhaps others can highlight the flaws in this suggestion!
John ******
@Chris *******
You'll likely be well overcharged for water and electricity.