Do I need a tourist visa for multiple short trips to Thailand in one year?

August 10, 2023
a year ago
Mark **********
Hi all

So has something changed …. In previous years I’ve had 3 or 4 trips to Thailand ( all under 30 days ) now I’m hearing I can’t do that and have to get a 60 day tourist visa after my 2 nd trip in a year ???

Is this new or always been the case and it’s just I’ve never been pulled at immigration🤔🤔
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The original poster expresses concern about new visa regulations for short trips to Thailand, implying that they may now need to obtain a 60-day tourist visa after their second trip within a year. Respondents clarify that there are no official rules restricting the number of air entries under the visa exemption scheme; however, land border entries are limited to two per calendar year. The conversation highlights confusion and varying interpretations of visa regulations, suggesting that while frequent short trips may raise questions from immigration, they are generally permissible. Expert advice emphasizes the importance of obtaining a proper visa for longer stays.
Stephen *********
I have been in on a visa exempt 3 times within 12 months. No problem. The rule in Thailand is no rules. Up to them at immigration
Phil ********
Please provide your "now Im hearing" and we will advise.
Mitchell *******
I am Travelling SE Asia, with Thailand as my base. Trust me, your info is incorrect.

What you SHOULDN'T be doing is trying to live in Thailand on tourist visa/visa exemption. But even then it would probably take more than 2 trips for them to say something.

But it IS only 2 LAND border entries per calendar year.
Steve ********
Peter *********
Total BS
Tore *********
That’s not true, people are getting confused. There is only one 2 entry limits and that’s via LAND BORDERS on visa exemption.

3-4 short trips in a year arriving by air will be absolutely no problem on visa exemption
Luc ************
@Tore *****************
correct about the 2 times land boarder. I come between 3 and 6 times a year, never got any question. And all on visa exempt.
Paul *********
Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email.

You may enter Thailand on a visa exemption scheme if you hold a UK/Irish passport holder. (30 days without a visa, Only 2 times per year) proof with any onward ticket or return ticket.

We accept visa applications for all passport holders who are permanent residents and current location in the UK/Ireland,

please select the United Kingdom on the online application and submit it to the Thai Embassy in London. Proof with confirmation of a flight detail from the UK/ Ireland to Thailand.
Graham ******
@Paul ********
That's an Embassy trying to say what Immigration rules are, apples and pears. The only restriction in law is two Visa Exempt land border entries per calendar year. Air is unrestricted until Immigration decide you are abusing the tourist entry process.
Paul *********
@Graham *****
well I did expect that someone on Facebook would know more about Thai immigration rules that the Thai embassy London 🤣🤣🤣 thank you for your wisdom. I'll let the Thai embassy know that you know more than the Thai visa department in London 🤣🤣
Graham ******
@Paul ********
thank you
Todd *********
@Graham *****
true. If we ask silly questions, they have to give us silly answers
Paul *********
Mate I had it confirmed from Thai embassy London 2 flights a year. I got pulled up and so have a lot of people I know. When I go back to England I'll make the correct visa. Up to you what you do and as for international agreements, try pointing them out to a Thai immigration officer at Bangkok airport and you'll get the answer "I don't care" just as I did
Paul *******
@Tore *****************
I just saw something recently that claimed it was 3 entries by air within a 6 month period, but I don't think it's official.
Paul *******
@Paul ********
There are no "international agreements" with respect to how a sovereign country decides to implement its immigration policy. The only "international agreement" is that presumably, other than North Korea, countries can't ban entry to all foreigners except if there's a valid emergency (pandemic, war, civil strife, etc.)
Tore *********
@Paul ********
it’s always better to get a proper visa, but there is no 2 flight limit whatever the embassy may claim. It’s only for land border entries.

3-4 short trips in a year all under 30’days as in OPs case will be zero problem.

The problems arise when you spend more than half of your time within the last 12 months on visa exemption.
Jarek ************
@Tore *****************
and I was told it's half a year during a calendar year... Everyone says something different and it's all up to the immigration officer... Sucks.
Tore *********
@Jarek ***********
there isn’t a specific rule about that, it’s up the individual immigration officer and wether they got laid or not recently.

If you spent March to November in Thailand and come back in January, they will still pull someone aside for questioning. Basically if it looks like you try to live there on tourist visas they will do something
Jamie *************
Most are hearing this from actual immigration agents at the airport. I personally was told get a visa next time, or you're not coming back in.(all my in and outs by air) I got the visa, then after a few trips was questioned as to why I spend so much time here...uh, because I can, according to the visa lol. In most cases, people coming, like you are, minimal stays, a few times a year, and HAVE an exit ticket, they don't give too much of a second look. For those staying for longer periods of time, and coming very often, with short times between exit and entrance, you would be doing yourself a favor to get a visa. Nobody is guaranteed entry, under any circumstances, unless they are a Thai native. There is a lot of conflicting information, and stories, that continue to confuse everyone. In reality, both ends are telling the truth, based off their personal experience with immigration agents.
Mark **********
@Jamie ************
thx for sensible andwer
Jamie *************
@Mark *********
I try. Unfortunately, not much makes sense at the immigration desks anymore. You'll be fine, until they actually tell you, in person, to get a visa, I wouldn't change your plans, as long as you have an exit flight already booked
Andrew ***********
People talk bullshit and think they know everything 😴
John ******
@Andrew **********
Yes, we do!

Know everything, that is 😉
Stephen *******************
@Andrew **********
Most of the people who talk bulls*it have never been to Thailand

Makes you wonder what planet some people are on 🤣
Andrew ***********
Tom *********
WRONG ! Either you didn't listen carefully or the info was wrong altoghether... Only 2 LAND BORDER visa runs PER CALENDER year is the rule, flying in not restricted.
Steve *******
@Tom ********
Incorrect. You can do as many visa runs per year as you want. What you can only do twice per calander year is enter via a land border WITHOUT a visa!
Tony *********
I been here 5 times since August last year each time staying 4 weeks each visit and 6 weeks at Xmas time
Iain ******
Lynnette *******
Where are people hearing this stuff?
Brandon ************
Hearing from WHERE?? Nothing has changed.
Mark **********
@Brandon ***********
it’s was a YouTube video

Just making sure mate
Phil ******
@Mark *********
yes saw it on Pattaya buzz but he's simply incorrect as nothing has vhanged
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