Richard *******
This is a summary of
Richard *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 12 questions and added 30 comments.



Richard ********
Some people are just beyond help Tod. Keep up the great work. โ™ฅ๏ธ ๐Ÿ‘
Richard ********
@Robert ******
thanks Robert thatโ€™s my understanding too. Cheers
Richard ********
Beginning of this year when I filed my own TM 30 for condo I rent in Bangkok Immigration at MTT told me that as long as travel away from condo is only Thai domestic then I donโ€™t need to file a new Tm 30 each time I return to the Bangkok condo. Maybe worth double checking. Immigration changed the regulation for specific visa classes including Imm O Retirement which I have.

My understanding is that there was a big outcry last year from business, diplomatic and other circles who need to travel regularly within Thailand because of the onerous process with the TM30 every time.
Richard ********
@Tod ********
ta but
@Ratofu *****
might appreciate the bank info. I was just trying to clarify the Q App for later and for others reading the thread.

The work you guys put in is terrific. Solve so many issues for us other , at times bewildered expats (Aliens). Cheers
Richard ********
@Tod ********
this is closest App I can find on App Store, Thai company. Is this it or need to look elsewhere please?
Richard ********
The booking appointment system is working (I did yesterday) but itโ€™s the 90 days online report that is down.
Richard ********
@Tod ********
yep got a fine receipt and the TM30 had the stamp you refer to. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ