Sherry ********
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Sherry ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 11 comments.


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Sherry ********
Thailand has that effect it happened to us and now 6 months latrr we live here
Sherry ********
Do not stress over this just Get yourself an agent
Sherry ********
Hire an agent they will take care of medical, visas and opening a bank account
Sherry ********
Judt how old is he and how many family members does his girlfriend have ...... think before he makes this decision
Sherry ********
Unless it is sentimental value, it can be very expensive to ship in Thailand, and a bit of confusion at customs and Thailand has absolutely everything that she would want to buy
Sherry ********
Really 300 Canadian $'s that is only $11.17...... are you on that tight of a budget
Sherry ********
As they say.......your not in Kansas any more baby.....try to adapt or stay home
Sherry ********
Hire yourself a proper, eperienced agent - the $'s you spend on an agent is well worth it