catch 22 visa situations

Showing 1 questions

This page displays all the results for the Catch 22 Visa Situations tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 1 questions that have been tagged with Catch 22 Visa Situations. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
May 19, 2024
8 months ago
Steve ******
I am trying to get a Type O retirement visa but need to open a Thai bank account so I can deposit the 800K Baht before the visa will be issued. The banks have all said I need a visa (specifically said type O or O- A, I realise there are other visas also that would be suitable) to be able to open an account but I can't get the visa without the 800K Baht in a Thai bank account first. I contacted an an agent and they said they can open an account for me... I'm also informed by the banks that according to the law, only the person wishing to open the account can do so. How can I get around this baffling conundrum without using an agent, and how do the agents get around this? Is there another visa I can apply for first that will allow me to open an account that I can get without the need for the money prior to its issue?
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