Franklin ***********
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Franklin ***********
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Franklin ***********
Yea get the text now app $60 a year for premium. Works with 2 factor authentication services. Sometimes it takes a minute or 2 but otherwise perfect. I have all my usa accounts tied to this
Franklin ***********
What everyone else is saying, you should really come here first. I cant stand being here more than 60 days (never even been here that long tbh)

Let the rose colored glasses come off and get a real feel for the land and see if its what you ACTUALLY want. Ill tell you for certain you dont want pattaya as a black married couple. Enjoy your trip.
Franklin ***********
Franklin ***********
@Stephen *******
look it up, he needs 3 + his gf.

Sounds like her buffalo will be feeling much better soon.
Franklin ***********
First off -lol

2nd - you need 3 more thai nationals

3rd - you have to wait 90 days

Godspeed my boy i look forward to seeing your future posts