Ayoub ********
This is a summary of
Ayoub ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 27 comments.



Ayoub *********
@Michael *******
will for sure check them out tomorrow and see what they have to say , they also do Accommodation but I don’t have to stay there too get to Ed visa ? Right ? Or you have to stay at their Accommodation for it to work
Ayoub *********
@Leo *****
don’t you think that’s the Governments fault for letting in SO many people without a Reasonable system ??
Ayoub *********
@Seanos *********
he answered it for you I am born in the uk 30 years and I was depressed so much it’s unreal I didn’t know what life was becoming I didn’t know if I was coming or going I am now two weeks in living in Thailand and my word it’s life ? I am Moroccan and always travel to Morocco and always knew the uk was a HELL HOLE !!
Ayoub *********
@Michael *******
thank you so much and yeah I was about to check out tiger gym tomorrow and see what they have to say
Ayoub *********
I’m a 30 year old Trader wanting to live in Phuket can anyone give me any information please