Graham ******
This is a summary of
Graham ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 7 questions and added 800 comments.



Graham *******
@Christopher ************
BTW, remember they have not been clear on what documents they will entertain for defining capital and capital gain.
Graham *******
@Christopher ************
I would love to read the article you mention, do you have a link? I agree it would be the final straw. I agree they will loose out in the short term maybe medium term. Thailand is not doing what other countries are already doing. For me, next year I will be non-resident as I will have a large capital gain, If I become resident again it would be with the LTR. I am in no rush with my plans. Like everyone else I will see what happens, for me that will be from a safe distant Philippines. There may be a buying opportunity next year with panic selling of Condos. BTW there is a plan to tank the Baht to 48 to the dollar and increase vat to 10%. Enjoy the ride.
Graham *******
@Christopher ************
if u are resident for 180 days you are tax resident regardless of nationality. UK taxes residents on global income.
Graham *******
Anonymous participant you should have added: sick buffalo and lazy in-laws. GF or wife are liabilities.
Graham *******
@Andy ***********
you have to satisfy the test and currently we do not know how they will police this or any other request for exemption. Many of these will end up in court because they are ambiguous and difficult to claim.
Graham *******
Fine, if you are resident 180 days in Thailand you cannot be resident in Australia. You're just claiming to be, you will be flagged for audit for no return or no tax paid. Who knows what proof you will need to prove you were actually in Australia, having settled a tax claim in Australia does not mean you fail the Thai residency test. Soo many will try to claim this and will probably fail.
Graham *******
@Andy ***********
Carl, employs his own CPA's. DTA do not determine tax residency, they only show which taxes paid can be deducted against Thai tax, the day count from antiquated stamps is used, this cannot be automated. Instead, they will extend the ETA to cover all entries and departures. Once the magical 180 days is passed people will be deemed tax resident and will be required to submit a return which will be online soon. Zero tax paid in Thailand will be one flag for audit.
Graham *******
@Andy ***********
The ETA and everything around it which is coming is to circumvent the corruption within Immigration. ETA gives the tax office an electronic record of your arrivals and departures. So, when you exceed 180 days, the Tax office will be looking for a tax return. You can argue your cases from there. Just because you got away with it this year, don't me they are not looking for you. We still need info on how far back in time they will go when someone is audited.